Runaway With Me

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"No Kurt. I CAN'T do this anymore. Not here, not now. And definitely NOT WITH YOU."

Blaine squares his shoulders and spins on his heel, swiftly moving away from where his boyfriend, scratch that his ex-boyfriend is watching him with wide eyes.

He can't.

He just can't right now.

Kurt doesn't understand.  Like at all.  For him, things aren't just black and white.  There are many, many beautiful shades of grey involved.

Blaine's still pacing around his dorm room, throwing things into random duffle bags when the knock on his door sounds.

Kurt wouldn't be just knocking, he'd be yelling. So it can't be him.

And a cursory glance at the clock shows that it's noon, time for his regularly scheduled coffee date.

With Rachel.

She already starts when he opens the door.

"Tony, I've heard some very disturbing things from Kurt..."

The gasp is what finally draws his attention to her as she looks around his room, reaching out to still his hands.  Lacing their fingers together.

"Tony, are you okay?  You'd tell me if something was really wrong. Right?"

Blaine shakes is head and looks into her big brown eyes.

Soft voice.

"Maria, do you want to run away with me?"

One quick trip to her apartment, a few bags tossed into his car and they're on their way.

"Tony, are you finally going to explain WHY exactly we're driving south right now?"

Blaine's hands flex as they grasp the steering wheel, unwilling to meet her eyes as he drives down the darkened road.

"I broke up with Kurt. I had to get out of there. I.... I lied to you Rach."

Rachel quirks her head to the side and looks at his profile, lit up by the headlights of passing cars. Even in the darkened car she can still see the worry lining his face.

"What do you mean, you lied to me Blaine?"

Blaine shakes his head as he continues to drive down the darkened road, slowing down as they near a motel.

"Wait until we stop and then I'll explain everything Rach.  I promise."

She nods mutely and settles back into her seat. All sorts of questions whirring through her mind.

Once they are settled in their motel room, two double beds in a sparsely decorated room, does he finally open up.

Wringing his hands the whole time.

"I'm so confused Rach. I am. I couldn't stand being that person anymore. I lied. I lied to everyone. All because of what Kurt thinks."

Rachel sits cross legged on one of the beds as she watches him pacing around the room.

"Blaine, breathe okay. Look at me. Tell me what is wrong."

Finally he turns to face her, stalking slowly towards the bed she is seated on. He kneels in front of her and grabs her hands gently in his own.

"My Maria, I..... I.... that kiss, way back at the Lima Bean. I lied. I did feel something. I felt a lot actually. But Kurt. He doesn't believe in bisexuality, and it made me feel less than. So I lied. But I can't lie anymore."

Rachel furrows up her brow as she contemplates his words.

"You're bi?? There is nothing wrong with that Blaine. And it's Kurt's loss for not understanding."

Blaine shakes his head, "It's not just that Rach. I'm not just Bi. I.... I.... I, um..... I love you."

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