Chapter 9: Shooting Star

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Derek wondered where Meredith could be at the moment. She was not at the practice, he had just checked in there. He didn't want to call her, he ought to be as little overbearing as he could. It wouldn't be wise to make her feel cornered. But he wasn't on friendly terms with anyone else in town and he had to talk to someone else than Bert or he'd go mad.

At least he suspected that he was on friendly terms with Meredith. The previous day would surely suggest that. She helped him out with his little problem, stayed to take care of his dog which allowed Derek to see her in a way that he hadn't before. She seemed carefree, unreserved, funny and full of life. Not to mention completely wet with her T-shirt clinging snuggly to her chest... There was laughter and joking around. He regretted she didn't decide to stay for dinner. As soon as the question rolled off his tongue, she seemed to sober up. She excused herself hastily that she probably should be back at the practice in case someone looked for her.

Today was Sunday, which meant no fixed working hours. Which also meant he needed to work twice as hard to be able to accompany her. It was almost 1 p.m. and the whole town seemed oddly deserted but for a couple of tourists strolling down the main road. After some fifteen minutes of walking he finally noticed people coming in little groups or couples from a narrow street between buildings. Meredith was there too; he fished her out effortlessly. Her blond hair that turned even lighter due to the strong southern sun, a blue sundress that billowed slightly in the wind, and a bunch of flowers in the crook of her arm. Wasn't she beautiful... The way she crinkled her eyes from the sun when she was engrossed in a conversation with an elderly couple. He watched her throw her head back laughing at something her interlocutors said.

Derek briefly hesitated whether he should come forward. He was sure it would not be appreciated by the people around. What the hell, he shrugged. He was not going to let others dictate his life. If he wanted to be close to Meredith, wild horses wouldn't stop him.

Ignoring the looks he was getting as he mingled though the thinning crowd, he halted beside her. "Meredith."

Looking into her eyes, he noticed she wasn't sure how to act around him anymore in the company of other people. "Dr. Shepherd?"

"Uh, Dr. Grey," he nodded, slightly disappointed with the formal address. The woman and the man kept giving him blatant looks telling he was unwanted and interrupting the conversation. "I... I'd like to discuss some issues concerning the practice?"

"Now?" she asked arching up her eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah," he insisted.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. and Mr. Cole. Excuse me," she sighed as though Derek's appearance couldn't be more annoying to her.

"Sorry for that," she said quietly as they resumed walking. "Do you really want to discuss anything to do with the practice?"

"Nope," he chuckled. "Just wanted to lose them."

"Of course," she rolled her eyes. "I guess it's totally impossible for you to give me anything solid until your last minute here, right?"

"Oh, come one, chill," he grinned. "It's not like you have any reasons to worry."

"I don't?" she asked her eyebrows riding high. Sometimes she didn't know what to make of Derek Shepherd. They seemed to establish a kind of truce but one couldn't be too careful. If she could be certain of anything, it was that the man walking beside her was unpredictable. "So why are you here?"

"I felt lonely."

"You could always go back to New York," she quipped.

"Have I already told you I love your sense of humor?"

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