Chapter 60

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"Hey, handsome."

Mark smirked over his drink at the sound of the provocative voice. Even though he was happily in love with Addison, he couldn't help feeling proud whenever a woman hit on him. The self-satisfied grin faded from his face, however, when he turned on his barstool to face the lady. In this case, she could have been his patient, after having undergone a sex reassignment surgery. "I'm Charlie. What do your enemies call you?"

"Looks like you've got some competition," Derek snickered to Addison in the opposite corner of the room. He loosened his tie, feeling short of breath. His nervousness was increasing by the second. There were so many things that could go awry this evening. Perhaps he was too hasty agreeing to go along with Cristina's plan. Moreover, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to put his private life on display so drastically.

"I don't think I need to worry about this sort of competition," Addison chuckled noticing Mark's bemused expression. "Right now I'm more worried about you."

"That would make two of us," sighed Derek.

"That would be three of us," Cristina said grimly as she joined them. Derek was surprised to discover that the innkeeper wasn't her usual snarky flippant self, and it did nothing to quell his unease. "I'm counting on you here, McWeepy. I'm running a huge risk, maybe even bigger than you."

"Meredith won't hold it against you, you're just trying to help," Derek attempted to calm down Cristina's nerves as much as his own.

"You don't understand," she shook her head with resignation. "I'm letting her walk into a trap. I'm keeping secrets from her, I'm lying about..." she trailed off, rubbing her temples. "I can't wait for when it's all over. Just... just do your best, you got it?"

"I got it!" he huffed, a definite edge in his voice.

"I... I know that there's something you're keeping us in the dark about..." Addison interrupted hesitantly. "But how is getting her to listen to that article going to help your cause? You said she doesn't think you cheated on her anymore. What's holding her back? I mean, it was nice of you to give her credit and all but..." She looked between Derek and Cristina trying to understand but after exchanging looks, he shook his head apologetically.

Cristina brushed off the awkwardness of the moment by slapping him on the back and promising as she left, "Do your job right, McWeepy, and I'll think about a different nickname for you."

"Look, Addison, I appreciate your support," Derek tried to explain. "It means a lot but it's not-"

"Not your story to tell?" she finished for him. "It's alright," she assured him. "I just hope it works out for you. You've worked so hard..."

In that moment, Cristina returned back to them hurriedly, making her way through the already crowded room. "Go stay at the back until I call you. Meredith's here."

Derek led Addison through the door to the kitchens and signaled for the rest of his family to follow. He could almost hear his rapid heartbeat in his head as he surreptitiously peered back through a small round window in the door. They had barely escaped unseen by Meredith who entered the scene with a neatly packaged present under her arm. She seemed even more beautiful than usual. Her long hair cascaded down her neck in luscious locks and she was wearing a cream-coloured knee length dress. A short denim jacket was protecting her arms from the evening chill.

He took a couple of deep breaths, his fingers rigidly clutching the journal with his interview. Cristina's words from the previous day loudly reverberated in his head.

You're just afraid. That all you've done will really come to nothing. That you won't be able to help her.

Yes, he was afraid. But even if this attempt failed, he would try over and over again until he erased every shadow of doubt that lingered in her heart.

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