Chapter 35

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Meredith got out of her jeep and leaned forward against the door taking in the hospital's façade. She was about to go in, put on her scrubs and save her friend's life. Helen was admitted to Las Vegas Memorial Hospital the previous evening, today she was scheduled to undergo the life-changing- or life-ending surgery.

Derek walked around the car and stopped beside her, smiling at her encouragingly. "We're gonna do this, and it will work."

"I don't want to let her down again," she sighed, her eyes firmly fixed at the hospital.


"I let her down. I fled from New York and left her all alone."

"You can't blame yourself for that, your life was in pieces," he argued softly.

"Your life being crappy is not an excuse to stop caring about your people," she said locking the car and walking with Derek towards the entrance. She couldn't help smiling though as she felt Derek's fingers intertwine with hers in a perfect fit.

"Does it mean you're never going to stop caring about me?" he quipped.

"You want to go under my scalpel next? You'd have to shave the hair."

"No one touches the hair!" he warned her with amused indignation.

"I touch the hair," she wiggled her eyebrows at him.

"Oh, no you don't. It's pulling, or rather trying to rip it off," he snorted.

"Well, I can't be responsible for my actions when I'm having a screaming orgasm," she shrugged off smugly as they slowed down their pace when inside. "I have to see the chief first, just go upstairs to Helen and scrub in. I'll join you as soon as I can."

"Okay," he nodded and planted a little warm kiss on her lips.


Derek scrutinized the inside of the OR with a frown. It was a very typical operating room, nothing unusual. But what screamed uncommon at the very first sight was the staff. It was like he was watching ballet dancing or synchronized swimming. There was no bustling, no unnecessary movement. The nurses were preparing the equipment swiftly and efficiently. Anyone who currently didn't have a task at hand, nurse or doctor, stood rigidly in a neat row, their backs strung out.

"Cat got your tongue, Dr. Shepherd?" Helen quipped from the table.

He walked up to her with a grin that was hidden by a mask. "Morning, Helen. How are you feeling?"

"That's really not the topic I'd like to pursue right now," she rolled her eyes. "So, has something surprised you?"

"I think-" he cleared his throat and bent down so that only Helen could hear him. "I think I've never seen a working OR this quiet. Is this some local thing?"

"It's a Meredith thing," she laughed. "You haven't seen her operate, have you?"

"Other than on a dog? No, I haven't. And I'm looking forward to it, it's an honor," he said humbly.

"Yes, it is. Prepare yourself to be dazed. And insulted," she added lightly.

"I'm sorry, what?" he chuckled thinking he might have misheard.

"Why do you think they're all standing like that? Because The Meredith Grey is going to grace this OR with her presence, her very demanding presence. She's the best and that's what she expects from the people she works with."

"It's great that you trust her so much."

"It is not just trust," she smiled. "She did all my surgeries, you know?"

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