Chapter 38

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Derek deeply inhaled the fresh evening air, and the stars above gently spun before his eyes. The dew was rising and slowly soaking the blanket on which they were sprawled but they didn't mind. They were savoring the peace of the moment. Lexie had gone home the previous day. For the first time in a week they didn't go to Vegas. They were finally undisturbed and alone. And it felt damn good.

They had had a picnic dinner in their sheltered backyard and after a thoroughly fulfilling dinner followed with a delicious dessert they lied down, each facing the opposite direction, their legs sticking out of the blanket. They rested in intimate silence, their fingers intertwined at the level of their faces. They reached the stage when words were no longer needed to feel comfortable with each other. The moment seemed so magical, uncomplicated.

Suddenly, a soft giggle rose in Meredith's throat. She turned her head left to face him upside-down. "You've been here all this time already and I've never asked you."

"Asked me what?" he smiled. How could he not smile looking at her amused face? The smile on her lips automatically induced his.

"Do you believe in aliens?"

"That's random," he laughed out.

"Not really, we're in an alien spot," she shrugged. "Rachel lives off the so-called UFO sightings... oh, which I remember you called BS time back."

"Now you're gonna pick on me for what I said when we met?" he quipped with feigned indignation.

"I'm here for business, maybe a bit of pleasure," she lowered her voice mocking him. "Seriously? Does that ever work for you?"

He tried to stop himself from laughing as he lunged for a sweet upside down kiss of punishment. "I think it worked this time just fine," he breathed out.

"Yeah, right," she snorted. "I hated every word that came out of your mouth!"

"Oh, yeah? So what did sweep you off your feet?"

"Hmm," she pursed her lips pretending to consider her answer. "Must have been the free entertainment. The lice, the-"

"You're asking for it!" he growled scooting around and pinning her with his weight.

"I'm asking for what?" she looked up at him smugly. "You're a bit indisposed at the moment, aren't you?"

"That was low!" he grumbled moving off her to plop to the ground on his back heavily. The last few days were hard, literally, as Meredith insisted putting little Derek on time out in order to fully recover.

"Think of something else," she giggled.

"The aliens?"

"Why not? They're quite asexual," she shrugged.

"What, do you believe in them?" he asked amusedly.

"I don't believe in flying saucers and all that commercialized stuff but just look up. It's hard to believe we're alone given the fact that universe is infinite."

"Sounds reasonable," he admitted. He took another deep breath and chuckled softly.

"Hm?" Meredith glanced at him questioningly.

"I feel..."


"Rain in the air..."

She looked deep into his eyes in the feeble light that was coming from the house. "I feel it too."

They laid listlessly for a couple of minutes until they felt the first drops falling down from the sky.

They didn't run, just unhurriedly picked up their belongings and strolled to the kitchen through the back door, welcoming the rain on their skin.

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