Chapter 24: The Way You Look Tonight

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"I think it's too much," Meredith scrutinized her reflection in the mirror critically. "Do you think it's too much?"

"Of course not," Izzie rolled her eyes behind her and beamed at her. "You look gorgeous, Derek will love it!"

"Hmm." Meredith sighed smoothing over her dress. Yes, she knew Derek would love it. She donned on a short halter-top dress. Red. Hugging her body like a second skin. Practically screaming-

"It's practically screaming fuck me," Cristina quipped from her place in the corner of the room.

"Yeah, that's what I mean," nodded Meredith, looking at her thankfully.

"On the other hand, you want him to fuck you, so no fuss."

"Ugh, I don't want him to think I'm dressing up just for him," Meredith rolled her eyes and tugged at her hair nervously.

"Why not? It's completely normal that you want to look good for your boyfriend," said Izzie, not tweaking her own dress, shockingly white.

"Derek is not my boyfriend," Meredith quickly shook her head.

"Did you split up?" the blonde stared at her with worry.

"No," snorted Meredith. "We're just... not an item! There hasn't been anything to split up from the beginning!"

"Then what are you?"

"Oh, they're just... just friends," snickered Cristina. "Sexy friends."

"I don't know why it is so shocking," Meredith shrugged off. "You know he's leaving next month, what did you expect? A marriage proposal?" she laughed and Cristina joined her in.

"I wouldn't put it past Derek," replied patiently Izzie. "He seems very at home."

"Who wouldn't?" snorted Cristina. "Just like that he's got a house, a practice and a sexy blonde to fuck at his beck and call."

"That's not what I meant," Izzie put her hands on her hips. "He feels good here, especially after everyone has got to like him."

"Yeah, that was a shocker," frowned Meredith.

"Oh, come on, Mer," Cristina drawled leaning back in the armchair. "You know the reason behind his sudden popularity surge."

"I don't," she coughed to cover her discomfort.

"They saw him carry you to the car and then to the practice after you fainted, he became sort of a hero," explained Izzie.

"He didn't do anything!" Meredith insisted stubbornly. "He didn't even do the shot!"

"But he spent the night by your side," reminded Izzie. "That's not nothing. That's tenderness, loyalty, that's devotion. Everyone thinks you're in love."

"This is absolutely ridiculous!" Meredith yelped exasperatedly. "We are not in love!"

"Fine, Derek means absolutely nothing to you," Izzie rolled her eyes and urged them downstairs. "Come on, Alex might be here any minute to pick me up and somehow I don't want him and Derek left unattended."


"Sorry you had to wait. I was pulled over again to listen to another story about my family," Derek murmured apologetically handing her a glass of wine he brought from the table. "I remember you mentioning something about family chronicles my uncle was writing.... I tried looking for them in his study today but didn't find anything amongst thousands of volumes of history books."

"I... I actually have it at my place," she replied. "I took it with me from the house after he passed away... as a reminder of him. It's like hearing his voice when I read it. I spent many evening on his porch listening to the fascinating stories..."

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