Chapter 42

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Derek stopped in his tracks when he heard his name yelled out. He turned back to where he'd just come from and saw Mark hurrying towards him, his hand outstretched. For some reason that Derek didn't comprehend and wasn't really interested in comprehending at the moment, his brother was followed by Addison Montgomery, the obgyn recently appointed at NY Pres.

"Man, where's the rush?" Mark chuckled as he shook Derek's hand energetically and took him into half a hug.

"He probably can't wait to be back in the OR," the pretty redhead at his side beamed widely.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" Derek frowned and nodded at Addison. "Dr. Montgomery."

"What am I doing here?" Mark repeated in a fake hurt voice, clutching at his heart. "That's how you greet your brother after two months of exile? By the way, you let yourself go, man." He critically scrutinized Derek's appearance, especially his hair and the visibly darker skin. "Don't you know that pale is the new tan?"

"No idea what you're talking about," Derek dismissed him quickly looking around in search of a free cab. "I need to get to the hospital."

"See, told you," Addison rubbed Mark's shoulder affectionately.

"Whoa, easy here, man. What do you think, that we came here on foot?" Mark frowned at Derek. Their meeting was not unfolding the way he had expected. "Or that I'm here by accident? My car is parked on level one."

"Great," Derek nodded and turned to go.

"Wait! You're not thinking I'm gonna drive you to Pres right now, are you? I have clear instructions to take you straight to Mom's. No detours, no stopovers. Shepherd family dinner. If you can escape that early, you can go to hospital. But you are going to see your family first."

Derek sighed and nodded in defeat. He wanted to be at hospital as soon as possible to put his plan in motion but he knew he owed it to his family. "Let's go then."

"There's one more thing," Mark stopped him again, becoming a bit apprehensive.


"Well, aren't you surprised Addison is here?"

"I'm sorry?" Derek frowned.

"For the love of God, what's wrong with you?" Mark rolled his eyes and grabbed Addison's hand. "I wanted to tell you first, I really did, but Nancy walked in on us. So now everyone knows."

"Okay?" Derek discreetly glanced at the clock on the wall.

"We're together," Mark breathed out nervously. "Dating, going out... whatever. Addison's my girlfriend, and it's not just the sex."

"Congrats, man," Derek nodded and clapped him on the back, turning away once again.

"I'm serious," Mark argued hurried to catch up with him, dragging Addison behind him. "We're really dating."

"Good for you," said Derek seeking Mark's car.

"It's not a prank!"

"I didn't think it was," shrugged Derek.

Mark halted in his tracks abruptly making Addison crash into him.

"Mark!" she sighed reproachfully. "What's gotten into you?"

"The question is what's gotten into him," he pointed at Derek who already disappeared from their line of vision.

"What do you mean?"

"This is not normal. This is not how he should have reacted!"

"Let me guess, you'd expected him to laugh at you and taunt you," she quipped.

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