Chapter 18: Top of the World

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Derek sat behind the counter usually occupied by Izzie and swung from side to side. His eyes, however, were unchangeably fixed at one point. Meredith. She was currently chatting with some uptight looking woman on the steps of the practice.

A pout and a frown marred his face since this morning. And they were caused by no other than Meredith Grey. He had learnt new things about her last night, very pleasurable things for sure. However, he also saw firsthand that she was an absolute control freak. They had come several times. He had come several times. But never on top.

It certainly turned him on. He loved the bossiness. What was even more important, Meredith looked amazing riding him, slow or fast – it didn't matter. Her long hair swayed around her when she moved. Her full breasts bounced mesmerizingly. And when she arched her back in pleasure, her mouth desperately catching air... She gave him amazing blow jobs too, he would be a fool to complain.

And yet. After three rounds of sex, which always ended with him on his back, he saw a pattern. She never let him finish off putting her in a more submissive position.

"So, that was Charlotte King from the tourist office," Meredith explained stopping to lean against the counter. "She says we can expect more than a thousand people for the season opener."

She frowned a little when he didn't reply and continued to sit, laid back, observing her with a puzzling expression.

"You know what the season opener is, right?" she went on. "The great march to the border of the Area 51. That's the military polygon."

He silently cocked his head the other way, his eyes fixed on her.

"Okay," she tucked her hair behind her ears. "Just so you know, that march is in a week, it's gonna be a busy time. You need to know what to expect. We... or at least one of us has to go with the march to assure medical aid. It's much like paramedics stuff."

She squinted at him. What was wrong with him? Normally he never shut up. "So I can go, because I went every time since I came here- Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"I wanna be on top," he said simply.

"You what?" she frowned.

"Me, you, horizontal mambo, I wanna be on top."

Meredith burst out laughing. "Oh, you're serious," she remarked noticing he didn't join in. "What, you didn't enjoy me being on top?"

"Of course, I enjoyed it, multiple times," his eyes crawled over her lazily, stopping at the level of her breasts. "Dirty bossy thing going on? Don't get me wrong, I like it."

"Then what's the problem?" she shrugged.

"But you know, me as a male of the species-"

"Understood," she smirked, quirking her eyebrow. "But not gonna happen."

"What?" he gasped disbelievingly. "Why?"

"Because as you said I've got this dirty bossy thing going on," she looked at him with all the smugness she could muster. "And I don't share my power."

"Oh, come on-"

"You wanna be between these legs ever again or not?"

"I wanna be back up!" he pouted.

"You're not gonna be back up," she crossed her arms over her chest. "Now, yes or no?"

They stared at each other, as if struggling for power, until Derek relented throwing his head back against the chair, "Okay, fine, yes."

Meredith didn't even try to contain her gloating as she hung off her lab coat on a rack.

"You're going somewhere?" he sighed.

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