Chapter 13: Ray of Sunshine

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Some insistent noise was trying to wake Meredith up but she didn't have a care in the world. She was too comfortable sleeping, she didn't want to get up. She hummed in her slumber, why did she feel so comfortable this morning? As her brain slowly returned to consciousness, she could feel she was half-lying somewhere and it was not her bed. It was much much better than her bed.

She nuzzled her face into her pillow. It was a strange pillow... Hard, so warm and... hairy. She felt around with her hand. Why was her pillow hairy? And why did it have... a nipple? Her mind, curious by nature, demanded questions.

The first thing she saw after she opened her eyes was Cristina, tapping erratically on the car window, a gigantic smirk on her face. Seeing Meredith awake she opened the door unceremoniously.

"Time to rise, sunshines," she grinned and glanced beside Meredith. "I bet he's already risen all right."

Meredith's head whirled following her gaze and her mouth hit the floor. That was no pillow she was clinging to. It was... Derek Shepherd's very manly very muscular chest! He was groggily waking up too.

"Cristina?" Meredith frowned at her best friend, deciding to let her brain process one thing at a time. "What are you doing here?"

"Actually, I should be the one asking that question," quipped the Asian. "Izzie came to the practice and panicked. No you, no Shepherd, no message, no nothing."

"Oh, crap," groaned Meredith rubbing her temples. "It's past nine?"

"More like past eleven," snickered Cristina. "Anyway, Izzie called me and called Rigsby, We've been looking for you for two hours."


"Don't fret, I called him off before he could get an eyeful of something gossip worthy."

"Gossip worthy?" Meredith repeated her words again.

"Hello? Are you still asleep? You and Casanova here, shamefully naked, in a very compromising position..."

"Na... ked..."

"Niiice," Cristina snickered. "Someone must've done a helluva work last night... Are you brains still in the state of Nevada?"

"It's... not what you think it is!" Meredith argued heatedly, a blush spilling across her cheeks.

"Isn't it? Why do you let him stare at your boobs then?"

"Wha...!" she gasped, openmouthed. She looked down to see that the blanket fell to their waists sometime during the night. Her head shot up to Derek's face and she cringed in embarrassment. He was not staring at her boobs. He was past that point. He was devouring them or at least wanted to devour them, his tongue moistened his lips.

"I told you not to look!" shrieked Meredith and punched him in the chest but the only thing she achieved was falling into the void between the back and front seats.

"You said that yesterday," he quipped seemingly falling out of his stupor, though his voice had a distinctly lower quality than usual. "How could I know it would be valid the next day?"

"Secret rules, huh? Kinky," Cristina wiggled her eyebrows and backed away from the car. "I'll leave you to it so you can save the last shreds of your dignity. I'll follow you to the practice, Mer. I've brought breakfast."

"Oh, god..." Meredith groaned while trying to catch some support to climb back. She watched with irritated disbelief as he yawned and stretched himself lazily. Trying hard not to become mesmerized with the hard muscles rippling underneath his skin she shouted, "What do you think you're doing? Get a move on! We're already late!"

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