Chapter 28

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Quirking her eyebrow, she turned back to follow his gaze. Her eyes stopped at a large pinkish and red store with a huge banner above the door that said "Adam and Eve's Erotic Emporium."

"Seriously?" she snorted.

"What?" he shrugged innocently, his eyes running to the store window.

"You were bored out of your wits at the casino and desperate to go to our motel and now you want to the sex shop?"

"Well, I doubt it'll be boring," he chuckled and tugged at her arm.

"Seriously?" she laughed biting on her lip. "I doubt Adam and Eve had all this merchandise in paradise."

"They were kicked out of there for something, weren't they?" he quipped. "And we're in the Sin City." he looked at her pleadingly.

"Derek!" she giggled, bubbling with amusement, both at the situation and Derek's pout.

"Unless you can't take it," he shrugged. "I understand, you like sex but deep inside you're a bit of a prude."

"Derek Shepherd!" she yelped at him aiming a shove on his arm. "Are you calling me a prude?"

"I'm just saying it as it is-" he shrugged, an arrogant smirk on his lips.

"For the record, I know you're baiting me, you smug bastard," she snorted, sizing him up. "But I'm going to humor you, to show you exactly how much of a baby you are."

She grinned and sauntered past him into the store. "Keep close so don't get lost, little boy."

He didn't appear to hear her little jab as he followed her in eagerly. "You haven't been into a store like that before, have you?" she asked knowingly.

"Er, no," he admitted truthfully and then frowned at her hit with a sudden realization. "Have you?"

"Maybe yes, maybe not," she replied coyly and they made their way between shelves with displayed merchandise.

"What's sex furniture?" Derek asked curiously catching the name of the section in the corner of his eyes.

"Something to hang you upside down-"

"I get the idea," he said quickly, his face scrunching up.

"You really are green. I'd think you were more experienced," she snickered.

"I am!" he argued self-consciously. "Just- not with toys."

"Oh, I forgot you're Mama's boy."

"I'm not Mama's boy," he bit off and turned into a separate aisle than Meredith.

"Don't even think about it!" she shook his head at him, her face unrelenting, and he noticed to his dismay that he entered "Anal Love" section. "A rectal exam isn't even remotely a turn-on for me."

"Neither for me," he grumbled, retreating hastily. He blushed suddenly as though only becoming aware where he found himself exactly. "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea- Let's go."

"Chill out," she caught his hand to stop him. "We can find something for us. Something that is us."

"Naughty Bedroom Dice?" he chuckled, spotting a black velvet pouch in her hand.

"For example," she grinned up at him. "Go look for some handcuffs."

"Ha- handcuffs?" he swallowed hard, his mind going places.

"You heard me," she sent him a seductive smile over her shoulder that always mesmerized him so much. He kissed her cheek and went for his quest, marveling at the realization how compatible they were on every level, mental, emotional, sexual- He so hoped this day would never end, for her to always be next to him like this. He stopped when his eyes met a selection of products he was looking for. At least he would have handcuffs to chain himself to her if it came to extremes.

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