Chapter 21: Come Rain or Shine

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Meredith slipped into the storage room and searched the shelves with her eyes. A knowing smirk on her face, she counted... one... two... three... Yes, infallibly, the door opened ever so quietly and she felt a pair of arms envelop her from behind, the scent of his aftershave making her blood course faster in her veins.

"No patients..." he murmured against the nape of her neck as his fingers were already making their way under her dress.

"And Izzie?" she giggled, writhing against him.

"She's... she's..." he stammered distractedly when his hands found her panties.


"Don't know..." he huffed, his tongue making circles on her neck.

"Don't know?" she slapped his hands off before he could take off her panties.

"It's not like she's here," he chuckled insistently pushing under her dress.

"Derek, not now," she laughed turning to face him.

"What's that?" he asked noticing a small packet in her hands.

"That's..." she bit her lip looking up at him. "Birth control pills."

"Birth..." he trailed off. "For...?"

"Yeah, for me, or well, for us," she shrugged. "You'll have to actually prescribe them for me. That is... if you want? I figured it could be more comfortable..."

"Yeah," he said hoarsely.

"Yeah? Because we're doing it... like everywhere..." she frowned her forehead.

"All the time," he nodded smiling.

"And... well, I'm clean," she said uncomfortably.

"Me too."

"Are you?" she cleared her throat.

"Seriously?" Derek snorted and squinted at her. "Of course I am! How could you doubt?"

"With that stamina of yours and no girlfriend I imagine a whole intergalactic parade going through your bedroom."

"You did not just say...!" he gasped at her. When she showed no remorse he backed her against the wall, pressing both of her wrists with his hands. He loomed over her and her pulse skyrocketed when his face hovered over hers, denying the kiss. He whispered into her neck, his breath hot on her skin, his voice throaty, "My stamina is all your doing... I've never wanted a woman as much as you in my whole life... It's like I can't get enough of you. I want to touch you, kiss you, be inside you all the time..."

A moan escaped her throat. That's what she wanted too. Him inside her. All the freaking time.

"I guess this is one of the situations when the pill will come in handy," he chuckled, still holding her prisoner.

"We'll have to do with the condoms for the time being..." she breathed out, trying to squirm free from his tight grip. Not that she didn't enjoy it, it turned her on. But she wanted to touch him...

They were startled by the energetic knocking on the door.

"Meredith, Derek," Izzie's categorical voice carried from the lobby. "You need to stop doing... it in there or I will never dare go there again! And you certainly have to stop doing it now! I've just got a call, it's an emergency. The boys were raising the barn at Sam's ranch and... it collapsed!"

"Oh my god!" Meredith was out of Derek's arms and the storage room in a flash. "Is someone injured?"

"I think so," Izzie scrunched her face in worry. "It definitely sounds serious... I... I think Sam is trapped under the debris-"

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