Chapter 62

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Derek felt something tap against his nose. He grimaced and was about to fall back into his dreamless slumber, unfazed, but the tapping resumed. With a sigh, he opened his eyes and to his delight, he was met with pools of emerald. He knew more than saw that they were emerald as it was mighty dark all around.

"Good morning," Meredith breathed out, bumped her nose against his and planted a small sweet kiss on his smiling lips.

"It is a good morning," he replied huskily. Derek looked at the position they were in and last night came rushing back to him, he remembered Meredith falling asleep soon after they had made love on the narrow bench and he too must have succumbed to the physical and emotional exhaustion they both had felt shortly after. Derek was just beginning to feel the discomfort in the crook of his neck and along his spine from spending a night in that position, on the cold stone bench.

With a small yawn, Meredith stretched herself reaching behind to rub the small of her back. She chuckled upon noticing that he watched her every move avidly. She teased him as she readjusted the cleavage of her dress and put on the denim jacket they'd thrown over themselves. She smoothed her dress over her thighs as she detached herself from him. She picked up his abandoned tie from the ground and took a satisfied look around.

"Uh-oh..." she sighed as she took in the sky.

"Uh-oh?" Derek lifted his head in alarm, propping himself on his elbow. "You don't get to say uh-oh."

"We should get a move on," she told him and reached out her hand to help him to his feet.

"Why?" he frowned, as he took her hand, his eyes sweeping the environs. "Is it the coyotes? Aliens?" he chuckled.

"Rain," she said simply.

"What? You told me they weren't rain clouds!"

"Those weren't," she shrugged and pointed at the sky. The breaking dawn was apparent yet eerily still. The heavens were draped in all shades of grey, from lead to deep greyish indigo. "These are. Come on."

Hand in hand, they hurried down the narrow path, laughing at themselves. Meredith's prediction was soon proven right. Heavy raindrops started to pelt down on their bodies almost without any warning. By the time they reached the bottom of the cliff their clothes were completely soaked through.

"Derek, stop!" Meredith suddenly grabbed his arm, slowing her pace and eventually bringing them both to a halt.

"What? Why? We're close to the car!" he shouted over the dull thudding of the downpour.

"I know..." she smiled and tugged at his hand pulling him in the opposite direction. "I wanna show you something!"

"We can come back later, after we-"

"Derek, come on," she asked him sweetly and he simply couldn't deny her anything when she was looking at him like that.

They went further into the desert area at a run, and hid themselves under a sort of rock shelf. They were partially sheltered from the rain but their feet were thoroughly exposed.

"Okay, what do you want to show me?" he asked her as he rubbed all over her back and arms trying to produce some body heat, the last thing he wanted was for her to catch a cold.

"We'll have to wait a moment." She peeked out from under their shelter and noticed that the clouds were beginning to thin out. The raindrops were no longer striking against everything on their way down with a force of a whip. She motioned him to follow her.

"It's raining still-"

"Come on! You won't regret it," she promised and led him forward.

To say he was confused would be an understatement. But the hopeful expression of her lovely face and the spark that was flickering in her eyes mesmerized him. He trotted after her into the open space where... he was met with one of the most breathtaking captivating sights ever. The desert bed looked nothing like he had ever remembered it being. It resembled a colorful carpet. Hundreds of flowers bloomed magnificently, a delicate mist hanging above them, rendering the scenery even more charming.

"Wow..." an admiring sigh escaped him.

"Amazing, isn't it?" she beamed brightly, gathering the wet strands of hair from her cheeks.


"These are Orange Flowers, a heavy rainfall makes it possible for them to bloom. Spectacular..."

"Just like you," Derek whispered into her ear and leaned forward to catch her lips in a sweet kiss.


As Meredith crossed the threshold between the dream and wakefulness, a soft dejected sigh fell from her lips. It was such an amazing dream, so sensual, so vivid... She nuzzled her face into the pillow willing to grasp and hold onto for just that little bit longer, the vision that was slowly clearing away. Unsuccessfully. The reality was catching up with her. She was so silly, Derek was all the way in New York, away from her. Or worse, Derek probably didn't even exist. He was too good to be real, and her life never turned out that good...

However, when she opened her eyes, her heart swelled with happiness. Last night was not a figment of her imagination, it was so very real. They really did confess all those things to each other and made love under the night sky. And then they were caught up in the morning downpour.

After they had feasted their eyes with the unusual sight of the desert-turned-garden, they took her jeep, leaving Derek's car by the side of the road to be picked up later, and made it back home. Home... The house was dark and empty, a fact that they registered with relief. Either Cristina's birthday party was so good it lasted until the wee hours of the morning or Derek's family simply decided to spend the night at the inn, having no car to return to the house. Whatever the reason, Derek and Meredith were glad they didn't have to make the walk of shame just yet. They only had the strength to climb the stairs to the bedroom, take off the sodden clothes and throw themselves onto the soft bed in a tangle of limbs.

They didn't even strike any energy to take a shower but now Meredith felt it was imperative. She lay quietly for a few minutes, her eyes roving over Derek's sleeping form, thinking of everything and nothing.

She became perfectly still as she smelled a faint aroma of coffee wafting from downstairs. Apparently, they were no longer alone. She hesitated, wheels in her head turning. She felt an urge to wake Derek up so that they could face his family together but eventually, she decided not to. They were now back together, and as true as it was it didn't mean he had to fight her battles for her. She was back in control of her life and besides that, she owed it to Derek and to his relatives to clean up some of the mess she'd made.

Hey guys, sorry for disappearing for a while but I got covid and kinda had no motivation to do anything. Also I'm afraid this is the last chapter of the story we have. If anyone would like to try to continue it, I'm sure you can but I'm sorry I won't be writing it my own ending. If anyone does plan to write it an end, pls pm me because I would love to read what you write!

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