Chapter 2

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West's pov
I'm walking down the hall when I see Riley and James talking, I gotta admit though she's good. James can lure a girl in by flirting with her but for one to flirt with him straight away. There's something strange about her. Especially since she flirted with him if she already has a boyfriend. I see Eldon appear behind her and puts his arm around Riley. I go over to them

"So I see you've met Riley" Eldon says

"You know her?" I ask. Then I realise "dude, Riley's you girlfriend. Since when did you have a girlfriend"

"For 3 months now" I'm shocked. Eldon says they've been going out for 3 months yet we didn't know about this. But I'm pretty sure James is more shocked than I am. Riley goes to say something to Eldon "uh I gotta go" he stops her and walks off leaving Riley

"Er... Okay, that was awkward" she says

"Dude you were hitting on your best friends girlfriend" he punches my arm and give me the shut up look "she warned you" I walk away

James' pov
West leaves and it's now me and Riley alone.

"So how did you know Eldon"

"I met him when I was younger, we always used to meet up on the weekends to hand out. We had been hanging out a lot and then he asked me out. But it gets awkward at times. Whenever we would get into a moment he would block it. But it's nothing I still like him" she admits

"Yah he's like the most awkward person I know" she laughs a little. "Let me see your timetable." She gives it to me. "Ok so we're in the same classes other than Maths and you don't have that till tomorrow, so your gonna be stuck with me."

"Lucky me" I don't hear a single bit of sarcasm in her voice. she realises and looks down "yeah lucky me" she corrects in a sarcasm voice. We talk then the bell goes so I take her to class. As I walk in all eyes are upon Riley. There's some different people in this class meaning new faces for Riley

"Oh so you must be the new girl... Riley?" Our teacher asks her. I don't leave her side

"Yeah..." She looks at me with that 'what are you doing' expression.

"James, can I help you?" The teacher said

"No, I'm just standing here supporting my girl"

"I'm not his girl" she says quietly.

"Since you know her James, Riley would sit next to you and you can help her"

"Ok" so I do that. Riley takes the seat next to me. For the next 2 lessons Riley had introduce herself but she got put in front of me instead of next to me which is, ok I guess. After school I catch up with Riley as she walks out.

"Want a ride?"

"Uh... Sure" I take her to my car and we begin driving. "So it looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together. Well more time than I ever would with Eldon" I could tell she was still upset about Eldon earlier.

"Yeah we would, and don't worry about Eldon he's just nervous about you coming"

"He's known it for weeks though he was cool about it until yesterday" her voice begins to fade.

"What happened"

"He began telling me not to move school and it was a wrong decision. That was why he left. You were able to accept me. But he couldn't."

"I'm sorry Riles"

"It's not your fault, I like him, I do but he seems very embarrassed of me" I could tell she was hurt. I pulled up outside her house

"Why did you let me flirt with you this morning though"

"When I first walked through, you were the first to look at me, I instantly got this weird vibe which I can't explain. You began to treat me nice, for once someone was and i wanted someone like that, and I am lucky to have that, I really appreciate it." Her words hit me. They make me smile, no wonder why Eldon went for her, she was perfect, and hot.

"You never told me what you found so funny about me"

"Didn't i"


"So what?"

"Riley tell me, you don't want me to crash the car by forcing it out of you"

"You parked it"

"Just tell me"

"Don't worry about it" she smiles. I watch as she leaves the car. I watch her. Just as she goes to unlock the door she looks at me. She changes her mind and comes back to me. And her words come at a sudden pace. And hard to catch them

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