Chapter 23

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James' POV
I come back to Riley's house after I had to go home to help Molly, Riley left the door unlocked for me so I could just walk in. I enter and I don't see Riley. However I hear music playing below me, I'm guessing from the basement. I open a door and as I guessed I find the basement, and Riley. The basement looks like its been converted into her own mini dance studio. She is dancing. I sit on the steps and watch her dance. She keeps dancing up until she sees me and she stops

"Your back"

"Yeah, I never knew you were a dancer"

"Were" I hear her mutter "I stopped dancing when I moved houses, I lost sight in why I even danced, no matter how much i dance, I can't find the reason why I used to love dance" she confesses

"Well I thought your dancing is unreal by that solo" she looks down and smiles but that soon disappears then she looks back up at me

"Thank you, but if I don't love dance then that doesn't matter"

"Maybe you need someone to help you find the answer... Come on let me help you" I stand up and walk over to her holding my hand out for her to take it, and she does

"I never knew you danced either"

"We all have secrets"

Riley's POV
After James came to help me, it feels like I've improved a lot, I don't know how but he's made me find my love back in dance, I've found the reason for why I dance. I watch as he goes to pick up his phone

"We've been down here together for 3 hours now, maybe we should go up and rest." He suggests

"3 hours, wow it honestly hasn't felt that long"

"As they say, time goes fast when you're having fun" he says as he walks up stairs from the basement. I follow him and when I reach the top of the stairs. I see James jump on sofa

"Make yourself at home then" I giggle

"Might as well, I'm gonna be here all week... But I'll be much more comfortable with you here with me" he jokes, I roll my eyes and as I go to walk away I stop as I hear his voice again "aww come on" he pats the sofa as if to tell me to come over

"Well, Why not" I walk over and I walk about a meter before I find James' arms around me and he pulls me back onto the chair on his lap like he did the day before, other than this time, no one is here to disturb us. I stay there for a few minutes and then I get off and just sit next to him instead. We're talking but there's one question that always wonders my mind, and I must know the answer. If I don't I'm gonna find it Harder do be with him.
"James, tell me, why" he just stares at me in confusion "everyone tell me that youre the school player, so I shouldn't get too close to you, it's been about a month I've known you now, all I hear are rumour that I'm your next victim in your game, if I am, why haven't you made a move on me yet" he looks away from me for a few seconds and then he turns back and looks me in the eyes

"Riley rumours are rumours, it doesn't mean they're true, I may be known as the school player but it doesn't mean it's always like that, I respect you and I can't make a move on you if you don't want me to, I know you like Eldon, he's you boyfriend, I'm not" I'm kinda speechless, especially when he mentions Eldon, I don't like him anymore but I can't even talk to him long enough to break up with him. I break eye contact and I stay silent for a few minutes "Riley" he turns my head and my eyes immediately lock with his "say something... Please"
Ever since I moved school I haven't been able to show my feelings, everyone assumes one thing and it isn't the truth, I have to get the truth into his head. This may ruin our friendship but I need him to know this
A/N: I'm posting the next chapter cos I haven't posted for over a week now, I have done some more chapters so do you want me to post some of them to make up for not posting?

Before the truthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz