Chapter 8

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Riley's pov
I unlock the door and leave, I don't know how I'm feeling right now but I just need to leave. I get out of his room and go downstairs which is where lily is standing

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm fi-" I hear him running down the stairs after me "I have to go"

"Riley wait" he calls. I just try and block him out

"What did you do this time" that's when I realise, it was her brother. He was her brother. Maybe it wasn't her fault, it was just a coincidence.

"Riley-" he pretends his sister wasn't there and she didn't ask him anything

"James, why did you, I was about to make a move on you when I'm dating your best friend. It's bad to cheat on someone but not with their best friend. Honestly I didn't mind it, well other than the fact that I didn't know it was you. I had some weird emotions but I'm with Eldon, James I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you." I explain. When I go to carry on I realise both of his sisters are now there. "I'm messed up ok?" I go in and take my bag and leave. When I get outside it suddenly pours down with rain. And I told Emily to go home, great

James pov
With what Riley said it makes me happy and sad. Happy that she wouldn't have minded it knowing it was me, but sad cos she's told me that we wouldn't be together. I just watch as she takes her stuff and leaves. I have nothing left to say. It's not till she's gone, I know exactly what to say. I look out and see it's raining and Riley's running. I get my shoes on and run after her.

"Riley, wait" she just runs faster "RILEY!" I catch up with her and get her hand and pull her so she's facing me. "I just wanted to spend time with you, from the day I saw you, I always wanted to be with you, away from you I was always thinking of you, being with you made me want to treasure the moments we have. I know we will never be together, but I'm not willing to give up on you. Back them when you place your hands on my waist, I felt something, I couldn't help it. When I knew you were going to kiss me, I was more happy than I should've been. I was actually going to release the blindfold once we were kissing. but I messed up back there, I'm sorry." I can't tell if she's crying or it's the rain falling down her cheeks

"James I know, I felt something there too, which was why I went to kiss you, not knowing it was you, but I still felt something, but I can't be with you. I don't want all these strange feelings for you and then this voice in my head telling me that we're never going to be together." She tries not to make eye contact whilst speaking. She closes her eyes then turns around, she takes one last look at me before she starts running, she's gone, I can still see her yet she's gone. I just stare at her but then she trips over. I know I should go help her, but it's like her words have glued me to the spot, I can't move. it's been at least 15 seconds and she hasn't got up. I haven't even seen her move. I know something must be up. I run over to her and by the time I get there she's still lying there, no movement. I crouch down and look at her. I notice her eyes are closed. I cradle her up into my arms and rush back to the house. When I get to my house, I realise my sisters have been watching cos they're standing by the door with towels and a hair dryer. I take Riley to the couch and lie her down.

"What did you do" Molly asks me jumping to conclusion.

"You have to immediately blame this on me, she tripped and she never got up, that's all, was you expecting me to leave her there? I care about her, why would I wanna hurt her" I hear lily giggle at something

Lily's pov
Whilst James and Molly are arguing I look over at Riley to see if she's ok, I see her eyes are open and she's watching them, when James says he cares about her she smiles but then goes back to a blank face and closes her eyes as James looks back at her. I can't help but laugh a little

"What" he says

"Nothing, I was laughing at... um-thoughts. Just a random thought." I'm a terrible lier though.

Riley's pov
I close my eyes again, I try to see a peak of what's going on but as I open my eyes James is watching me, he had noticed me but he still says what he says and I wouldn't have thought him to say that,
A/n: this is a chapter saved in draft so I haven't read it before publishing that's why it's probs a bit tacky

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