Chapter 20

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Riley's POV
I'm trying to clear my mind when I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I pretend not to feel it and carry on walking, I don't care who it is, I just don't want to talk to anyone right now. They tap on my shoulder again but this time, the hand stays rested on my shoulder. This is the last thing I want, so I have to get a rid of them, I turn around and I find... Charlie... After last night I'm surprised he would even look at me again

"Where'd you go last night, I couldn't find you" he asks, his words seem to be soft and caring

"I should ask you the same thing, you left me and there wasn't a single person there who I knew"

"Okay, I lied, It wasn't anyone who you know who's party it was, I just wanted you to go out and party like how everything used to be, I left you so that you could get to know new people"

"Someone tried to rape me Charlie, maybe you should've thought about these things before making me go to the party" I begin to raise my voice the more I go through the sentence

"I'm so sorry Riley" he goes to hug me but I stop him, I don't know if I can trust him anymore "Riley-" this time he tries to take my hand but I pull it back

"No Charlie, I can't believe you would do something like this to me, I thought I could trust you, maybe I should reconsider that thought" I back away

"Riley please, just listen-"

"No, no, I cant" I keep backing away the more he comes closer "just leave me alone" I run away, I trusted him and he has gave me a reason why not to trust him, I just keep running

James' POV
One of the tasks on my sisters list is that I need to "baby sit" some teenager whilst her parents are taking her sister to some place, so I guess I'm gonna have to look after a girl the whole week, *great*, I pull up at the front of there house and go up to the door, ring the doorbell and a woman comes to the door, I'm guessing its her mom

"You must be James I suppose,"


"I'm Julie, Its so nice of you to help molly out whilst she's ill" she's obviously made an excuse to get out of it "come in" I step in the house and now I notice who's house I'm in, I follow her and take a seat at the table "I've got to warn you, she may be a little mad when she finds out, she doesn't know that you're going to be looking after her the week, we used to trust her to be alone here, but after the last time, we cannot leave her alone anymore"

Riley's POV
I keep running till I get home, I stay outside for a minute to catch my breath, so they don't notice, when I step up to the door I see Emily waiting

"Riley" she says "I'm sorry, I just want you to know. I tried to put up a fight for you but the decision was there's"

"What do you mean?"

"What you're going to find out as soon as you go in there" now I want to go inside, its just one of those things, like when someone tells you not to do something, youre tempted to do that, I step inside

James' POV
I hear someone open the front door and I'm curious to see who it is, do I watch the door as someone walks in, I see a familiar face enter the room...


"Uh, What is he doing here" she asks the woman who I was speaking to. I look at her face for a minute, as much as she's tried to hide it, I can see she's upset

"Riley, next week you know you're going to be alone, and we don't want that after the last time, I know we've moved houses and schools for you but I don't want a repeat of last time" she tells her carmly, but Riley doesn't take it so well

"I've been left alone many times before, since that happened"

"Not this long, and before Emily's always been here-"

"She's left me alone all those weekends you've been out, she's stopped at her friends house and nothing has happened those times"

"Riley listen, we just want what's best for you, we care about you, so-"

"I thought you guys trusted me, its only one week"

"Yes its only one week then James will be gone, his sister says he's very trust worthy, and I trust his sister"

"But you don't trust me"

"Carm down Riley" I can't just sit here whilst Riley's freaking out, I've gotta do something to help

"Let me try" I say quietly so only her mom can hear, I stand up from the table and stand close to Riley, "Riley, they just want the best for you" she shakes her head looking at the floor "look at me Riley" she avoids looking at me "Riley" I gently lift her head up and she looks me in the eyes "I don't want you to get hurt again, I can stop you from getting hurt, but only if you let me take care of you, will you let me do that" I know I've won her over when I see her nod, but her eyes don't leave me
A/N: I thought I should update it, hope you like the new chapter

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