Chapter 27

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James' POV
"Why do you seem to dislike your old school so much" I ask her. She shuffles on her seat as though she's uncomfortable with the question "you don't have to speak about it if you don't wanna" she is quite for a few moments

"It's just that at my old school everyone called me the 'popular one' people would try and be friends with me cos they wanted to be popular. It was hard to know my real friends. Guys would throw themselves at me, not because they liked me, but because I was the most popular. One time I was left alone for the weekend. I told my friend and asked her to come over. She did, but she brought a bunch of other people. She told all of them that I'm on my own for a weekend. Something happened that night which I'm not comfortable talking about to anyone. But because of it, I really do hate them. Other than 2 people, they were my true friends, I thought. I knew I could trust them. But they left. Leaving me wondering who I could trust since they had left the school." She says. I know that she doesn't want to talk about what happened. She already told me that, and when she's ready, she'll tell me "but now can we not speak about that, okay?"


Riley's POV
Times gone pretty fast. The next thing I know it's already 8pm. Me and James were sitting on my bed but James left to go fetch something out of his car. Except he drove off. He's back within 10 minutes. He comes back into my room with a bag.

"You remember this" he pulls out a dress out of the bag. It was the dress I was about to get for the other party but I changed my mind at the last minute. He must have remembered from when him and Amanda were helping me choose a dress for the other party.

"Oh my God... Thank you" I hug him tightly. That's when another thought comes into my head.

"What are we?" I ask him

"I don't know, do you wanna be a thing"

"In a relationship?"

"Yeah, but do you want to be"

"Why would I be asking if I didn't wanna"

"So it's a yes?" I nod my head. He pulls me back into a hug and I hug him back tightly. He looks back at the dress "shouldn't you try that on and make sure it's the right size" I roll my eyes and I get changed into it once James leaves the room.

"I'm done" I shout and James opens the door. "How do I look"

"Beautiful" he takes his phone out and the next thing I hear is his phones camera sound

"What was that for?"

"So I can always see you" I smile and roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna get changed" he nods and leaves the room.
"So are you going to wears party?" Chloe asks me during lunch.

"Yeah James is taking me there tonight"

"You guys are spending a lot of time together. There's definitely something between you two. Even if you don't wanna admit it, I know it." James never said if we were going public. But he never said to keep it a secret either. But I'm gonna check with him before I tell anyone.

"Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes you gotta go where life leads you, but what about you, are you going"

"Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't be asking about it"

James' POV
I drive over to where west is throwing the party once me and Riley have got ready. I haven't told anyone about me and Riley yet. I don't know if she wants me to, she never really said, so just invade I didn't tell anyone. But I really want everyone to know Riley's mine, so nobody else will try and go after her. I walk in. But Riley stops outside. I go back. And stand in the doorway.

"Aren't you coming in?" I ask her. I can tell she's trying to avoid looking at me. I place my hand out in front of her, for her hold coming in. I hear her take a deep breath. She takes my hand and we walk in.
A/N: New update, hope you like it

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