Chapter 15

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Riley's POV
As I open the door to Charlie's house I hear he's on the phone,
"Nahh don't worry about her, she's mine for the week" I'm second guessing my choice now, I can tell he's referring to me. Once I hear it silent I walk in "your back" he stays coming up to me.

"Yep and I've got my dress for Friday," I say referring to what's in the bag,

"So now you don't need to leave for the rest of the week" he says, I nod.

I decide to go for a walk to clear my mind, James catches up with me.
"So where have you been lately, I've been missing you" he admits

"I've just been out and all" I'm not going to tell him I'm with Charlie, but he stops me and holds my hand,

"Riley, why where have you been, why did you leave me, I told you that I liked you then you stay away from me, what's going on" he asks me, I can't help it, the next thing I know my lips are against his, and its all I've ever wanted, my first kiss, I'm the girl who has been round looking for love, boy after boy, but I never kissed them, I just want to keep the kiss going forever, it may be impossible but I love it.

I jolt awake after the dream of kissing James, its light outside and Charlie isn't next to me. I pick up my phone and check the time 9:25. I should've been in school ages ago. Charlie walks in

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I complain rushing to get my stuff. He comes up behimg me and puts his arms around me, rocking me, which does make me calm down "Charlie I need to get to school, why didn't you wake me, why aren't you at school?" He stays silent and keeps rocking me, trying to release my tense, but I need an answer off him "Charlie" I say calmly, hoping that if I say it like this then he'll give me an answer,

"Schools not on today" he tells me, "no need for us to have to leave and be apart today" I'm a little worried when he mentions 'us' and 'be apart'

"Why don't we have to go to school, why would both of our schools be off the same day. I look up to see him smiling

"You see Riley, we don't need to be in school, your sick, your very sick, you one very sick girl" he keeps repeating that I'm sick. But firstly I'm not, he's lied about it

"Charlie, this is bad for me to skip school, cutting class is one thing but skipping school is another" I say tensing up a little

"Don't worry, as I said your sick, your school isn't expecting you to come in, you've caught you sisters illness, its best not to go to school, I told your parents, and said I caught it too, they told both of our schools, they won't be coming to check on us though, I took care of that, so it's just us two now, like it should've been the whole time.

"But its a lie" I break free of his grip

"Since when have you cared, your Riley, why are you regretting being with me, we loved each other before you left. And now were back were continuing aren't we, look me in the eye and tell me you dont love me, and if you can't, you have to stop complaining. I look right into his eyes, but I can't do it, I still don't know my feelings "see"
A/n : I've been Focusing it on Riley and Charlie these last few chapters, because its going to help the rest of it, it is mainly jiley, but you'll see why I'm building on their relationship

New a/n: this has been saved in draft a while now. If I published a new story who would read it?

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