Chapter 24

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Riley's pov
"James, I'm sorry. But that isn't the truth, I don't like Eldon anymore, before I came to this school, I liked him, now I don't, the only reason I'm with him is because he won't talk to me so I can't break up with him" I admit "but you said you wouldn't make a move on my because you respected me, if I said I wanted to be with you and I wanted to kiss you, then what would you do?"

"Uh er... it depends, do you want me to" I stay quiet

"Well yeah but i can't right now"

"I know, but don't you need to get up to bed it's nearly 11"

"I should, I don't seem to be getting much sleep lately so I will" I get up and I walk out, but james stays sitting down so I go back "aren't you coming"

"Well I don't think you parents-"

"Aww you're no fun" I joke

"Oh you want fun do you" he saying coming towards me

"No no no no no" I stay but he doesn't back off. His arms go around my back and I hold his shoulders for support cos of the feeling as though I'm gonna fall.

"You wanted fun so" I just laugh this time. But when I stop. We end up staring into each other's eyes. Right now I don't care what I said a few minutes ago, that was history. I lean in to kiss him and he does the same. I can feel the warmth of his breath upon my lips but he backs away. And I know why.

"Riley, just then you was saying you wasn't able to kiss me and then you go and kiss try to kiss me. I'm confused" I knew it, I sighed

"It don't matter anymore" I walk away from James and upto my room. I can't look at him right now and be sure of anything

James pov
When Riley walks away. I feel kinda bad. I really do like her. But she's dating my best friend. How could I let her kiss me, even though I wanted to kiss her too. I feel like I should leave her right now. I hear the door knocked and I open it and a guy is there

"Who are you?"

"I'm looking for Riley, I need to speak to her" out the corner of my eye I see Riley she's shaking her head. I know the dude doesn't see her but I can

"Sorry she's not in, she's at her friends house, do you want me to pass a message onto her?"

"Just tell her Charlie needs to speak to her"

"Whatever" I mutter and close the door. I turn around to Riley. She's already got changed "I'm sorry about earlier. I was a little confused"

"No, you shouldn't apologise. It's my fault. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you, I should be the one to apologise"

"Non of us should be the one to apologise. Let's just go upstairs and forget what's happened over the past 10 minutes"

"Okay" she says quietly. I dont really want to remember the fact that I had the chance to kiss her but denied it. I watch as She gets into bed. She leaves enough room for me to get in. But instead I just sit at the bottom of her bed for a few minutes. She sits up too "hey didn't we say we was gonna forget what had just happened and go back to before, we've slept next to each other quite a lot. Why should it be different now?"

"I know" I sit next to her. "I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable" I admit. She places her hand over mine and squeezes it.

"You can't make me uncomfortable, all I only feel comfortable with you. You don't need to worry" I smile at her

"You said we were gonna forget what happened downstairs right?" I ask. I have something in mind but I need us both to move on from what had just happened. I've moved on but I need to be sure that she's gonna forget about it too.

"Yeah why?" She has a puzzled look upon her face.

"Cos-" I lean in and kiss her. And she kisses me back. She doesn't break away like I expected her too.
A/N: Hope you like the new update, do you want me to post another chapter today. I know this chapter gets a little confusing but yanno

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