Chapter 26

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A/N:Check out my new YouTube video? I uploaded it about 2 minutes ago. It's on the channel the YouTube video on my last channels by. I'll post the link at the end of the chapter. Updating now with a longer chapter than usual aha

Riley's POV
After yesterday, I'm preparing myself to dump Eldon once and for all as James drives me to school, if I want to be with James then I've gotta dump Eldon.

"Riley its your choice yanno" James tells me, as though he can tell I'm nervous

"I know its my choice, I'm gonna dump Eldon, I don't care what anyone else says"

"Okay, but it just feels like I'm the one who's making you break up with him" he admits

"I've been wanting to dump him for weeks now, and now I know you like me, I'm sure I don't wanna be with him"
Lunch came pretty fast and I've been waiting for this, its now that I have to dump Eldon. I met up with Chloe and told her about whats going on. She comes with me over to Eldon

"Eldon we need to speak" I say confidently

"Uh. Not right now, I gotta go" he tries to avoid

"No!" Im gonna get this over and done with no matter who around "let me make this quick for you then, You and me. We're over. That quick enough for you" hes just got a blank expression

"What do you mean?" He says as though what I just said was nothing

"I can't put up with this anymore" now there's a crowd around me and Eldon but I honestly don't care "I'm breaking up with you"

"Why would you do that" there's no emotion in his voice

"Why would I stay with you, you won't even talk to me. Before I came here, you treated me as though I was special and when I come here, you won't even look at me, you treat me terrible, and I can't put up with this" I shout, I just blank out the fact that there's a load of people around, I notice Chloe back away into the front of the crowd

"Why would I even date you" that was a little hurtful but I try to not show any emotion change, like how his story keeps changing

"Well you did, and now its over" I turn around, and I see James our eyes meet but he storms off. He looked angry but I don't know why. I hurry off through the crowd after him. I did this because I wanted to be with him, he gave me the courage to dump Eldon and now he's angry with me. "James!" I call, but he doesn't stop walking. I walk faster to catch him up but he's gone.
Me and James haven't spoke since. It's the end of school now, I see James' car still at school but I decide not to wait, he probably doesn't want to speak to me anyway. As I'm walking, I see Charlie by my side. I really don't want this right now

"So I heard you broke up with Eldon" he says. It happened only hours ago how does he already know about it.

"Oh really, how do you hear that" I say coldly

"Things go around fast" he keeps his words smooth. "You seem upset though. Eldon should be the one upset not you. He lost an amazing girl"

"You won't understand why I'm upset"

"Okay if you don't want to tell me, then don't. But let me cheer you up. I owe you it after the last time."

"You don't owe me anything."

"Yes I do. Now come on" he hold my hand but I pull it back "what's wrong? You would've let me before. And all that happened was a mistake. If I knew that was gonna happen I wouldn't have let you go" I stay silent "I'm sorry" he takes my hand. I look at him "you know I wouldn't try and hurt you" I still stay silent. He leans in to kiss me. But I move away

"What do you think you're doing" I yell. I hear a car horn sound and as I look around I see James in his car, the car slows down till it stops by where I'm standing. "As I said last time. Stay away from me" I say backing away until I get to James' car. I open the door and sit in the passenger seat. He drives off without a word said until we reach my house. "Uh, thanks" I get out of the car "and I'm sorry for whatever I did" I shut the car door and go into my house. It feels really lonely. I go over to the window to look out. I see James' car I still out there. But James isn't. I sigh. I wish he was here with me. I turn around and I see Someone. I jump but soon realise that it's James.

"sorry I startled you" he says

"Well at least you came" is all I say "what happened earlier on. Why did you walk away" he turns around "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" he turns back to me

"Nah, nah it's fine"

James' POV
To get out of the awkwardness of talking about what happened yesterday, I offered Riley to help her more with her solo. But instead she wanted to do a duet. We spent a lot of the afternoon rehearsing that. We haven't spoke about yesterday and her break up with Eldon. I really like her, but I'm gonna let all the drama calm down a little first. I drive Riley to school. When we get there she goes off with Chloe and Amanda. Once she's gone I see hunter and west. They come over to me.

"Dude it looks like Riley's free after yesterday." West tells me

"I know, I saw" is all i say

"I was a little harsh breakup" hunter says.

"Yeah it was but I thought James would've been more happy, they've been spending so much time together. I would've thought James have developed feelings for the girl"

Riley's POV
me and James haven't spoken about the kiss, mine and Eldons breakup or even the relationship we spoke about before the breakup. James picks me up after school. Whilst he's driving James phone rings.

"Riley can you see who it is" I pick up his phone and check the caller id

"It's west"

"Can you answer it and put it on speaker" I do exactly that.

J: what's up bro

W: I'm having a party, you coming

J: sure when

W: Friday night

James looks at me and then back to the road

J: uh I don't think I can on Friday, sorry

W: why, oh and can you mention it to Riley, I don't have her number

"I'll love to go" I say "if that's alright with you James." Confusion crosses his face

"I didn't think you would cos of last time" he says not giving away the reason since west was still on the phone

"I can't keep living in that past now"

"Okay, west me and Riley will be going"

W: oh so now the girl's going, you wanna go. I see what you're doing there

J: shut up, I said I wasn't going cos I didn't wanna go. But now I've changed my mind that's all. I'll talk to you later. Riley hang up.

I hang up and put his phone back. It's a little silent till James speaks up. His words are smooth but they also they're like a knife

A/N: YouTube video link

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