Chapter 21

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James' POV
If Riley's mom knew that me and Riley knew each other then she probably wouldn't have let me look after Riley, in a way, I'm glad that Molly made me do this for her, I get to spend the whole of next week with her. Me and Riley pretended not to know one another and that was a good thing. Riley's mom asks Riley if she can speak to me alone, I watch Riley as she walks out of the room

"How was you able to get her to calm down so easily, she's never easy to calm down"

"I had a friend who was like that, I spent 3 years trying to figure out away to calm her, eventually I found away, when you told Molly that she was someone like that, she knew I would be the right person to help, I lost her, the girl I knew, I don't want someone else to go through that" I tell her, its partly a lie partly the truth "I need to get going now though"

"Would you mind coming over tomorrow, so you and Riley can get to know each other before Monday morning, just so she can get used to you" more time with Riley how could I disagree,

"Of course" as I step past the staircase, I see Riley waiting there with some bags, as she sees me she gets up

"Mom I'm going back to Charlie's now, I just needed to fetch a few things," she says

"Okay Riley, but make sure you're back tomorrow around one, and you James"

"Okay bye" me and Riley say at the same time and leave, when Riley's mom shuts the door I stop Riley,

"You're going back to Charlie's" I am concerned about her and she did say she was going to stay at mine

"Actually no, last night a cute boy asked me if I would like to stay at his the weekend and I stopped there yesterday" I think for a few minutes until I realize

"Oh you're stopping at mine" I check, she rolls her eyes and walks, I open the car and we get in

I wake up the next morning, this time Riley's still asleep next to me, I look at the time and its already 11:12am, we did stay up till 4am, we didn't realize it was 3am till I checked the time, I know soon we have to go and speak to her mom but I try to wake her up but no use. With her being asleep she's oblivious to the world around her, I kiss her cheek and whisper some words into her ear, however that was a mistake, She smiles, meaning she wasn't asleep and knows I kissed her and heard what I whispered

"Morning," she say sitting up next to me, she can be pretty sneaky when she wants to be "sleep alright" she says smiling, but her sneakyness, is another thing that makes me like her so much,

"Morning" I get up from my bed, I pretend that nothing has happened,

Riley's POV
Me and James walk up to the front door of my house, 12:57, close enough to one, I open the door and enter

"Mom I'm here, and I found James don't he way" I shout, I go over to the table and James follows "take a seat" I tell him, he smiles at me and sits down, I stand and go and fetch my mom, when she comes downstairs, I take the seat next to James,

"Riley I know you're angry about someone having-"

"Mom I understand, yesterday after talking to Chloe I found out that James has looked after her little siblings before and they said he was great, and I know you just wanted me to be safe, I've realized that now"

"Thank you for understanding, Im sorry for not speaking to you about it, I want you to be safe, but the second you feel upsafe call me" she demands, I know she's wary about leaving me alone with a boy, she also thinks he's a few years older than me

"I will mom," I reassure her

"Okay, I'll be back in 5 minutes, I need to go and find something," mom steps up from the table "and riley, please don't try and kill James while I'm gone," I roll my eyes and she leaves the room, shutting the door behind her, I stand up from the table,

"Where are you going" he asks

"Away from you" I joke

"I don't think so" he grabs me by the waist and pulls me on his lap and someone walks in, but its too late, they've saw

A/N:wanted to keep it all up to date,

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