Chapter 30

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A/N: can you watch my YouTube video above

James' POV
I sit on the hospital seats in the waitiYouTube video which is above ng room. Riley collapsed in my arms at school today and she didn't wake up. I'm really worried about her. Its my fault, I shouldnt have said what I said. I see Emily walk in and sit on the seat next to me.

"I walk out of school and I get a text, telling me my sisters in hospital. And your already here, before any of her family. Moms phones off. I can't contact my Dad." I avoid looking at Emily. Her sister collapsed, and it's my fault. At first, I thought it was a joke, but when I couldn't get her to speak and her breathing began getting faint. It was only then I realised it. "Thank you, for looking after Riley. I know there's something between you two" I look up at her and quickly look back away from her again. "Riley has never acted this way about a guy before. And since you're here, I'm guessing you care about her too" I stay silent. Seeing the doctor come over and Emily walks over to him. Although I can't hear what they're saying, I know it's bad news. Emily's smile vanishes. All she does is nod and close her eyes. It was a while until she opened them again. She walks back over to me.

"James you may go and see Riley now"

"What about you?"

"My parents don't know about you and Riley. And they'll suspect something if they find you here, waiting for Riley so I'm gonna keep a lookout till they come" I see her eyes are filled with tears but she holds them back. I walk into the room Riley had been taken into. She's sitting up on the hospital bed. I'm pretty sure I saw her face light up when she sees me enter.

Riley's POV
The doctor finished the tests. he wouldn't tell me about the results, it's a little worrying cos if I'm fine, then he would tell me that. Once I see James enter, I'm happy to see him and my worries kinda vanish.

"Hey how are you" he says hugging me

"Fine, I guess, feel perfectly normal"

"Well I'm glad you are" he kisses my forehead and then jumps next to me "I'm gonna make it up to you though"

"For what?"

"For you collapse or whatever it was that happened."

"It's not you're fault and that's the end of that conversation" I know it wasn't his fault but I don't wanna talk about this anymore. James gets called back out of the room. Meaning I'm back alone again. But he's phones right there, next to me. After some attempting but then bailing out. I was able to deny the temptation and leave his phone.
After I'm free to go at the hospital, James drives me to his house. with my parents unable to get to the hospital cos Emily couldn't contact them or neither could anyone else.

"No ones in this weekend. Wanna stop over?" He asks me as I enter he room.

"I'll love to." I jump onto his bed and lie down.

"Um no you don't" he tickles me. I manage to sit up and he stops tickling me. Since he stopped, I lay down again. He goes to tickle me but I stop him

"You could just get in the bed with me instead of trying to get me out" I suggest. Having James lay close to me. Is a special feeling. Before me and James were dating. I knew this. But I always denied it. But now we're dating. I feel free to feel. He jumps in the bed next to me. His arm goes over me, holding me close to him. He gives me a quick peck on the lips. I giggle, the feelings all there.

"You like that" he says in his jokey way

"I may" I say

"Ohhh... Well what about this" instead he kisses my lips longer and harder. When he releases he's smiling "Riley, Riley, Riley.."


"Tomorrow night, I wanna take you out on a date" honestly I love the idea of a date, I havent been on a date with James yet, we can spend the night together. And get to be closer

"I'll love that too" I say smiling.

A/N: Sorry for not updating, I've been working on another book and then I saw this and noticed it had a few chapters saved in draft so I decided to post them so idk what they're about right now

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