Chapter 16

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Riley's POV
At first when I found out Charlie had made an excuse for me to miss school, I flipped, I hated the fact of knowing I had to spend all my nights of the week with him, but now I don't see why, I mean I wouldn't care if I was told I have to stay with Charlie for the rest of these school year. I do get a head ache so I get changed and go for a walk. Its like 12:50 so I'm not expecting to see anyone cos its a school day. I find a park bench nearby and I go and sit on it, I do hear some cars go past but I don't really pay attention to them or my surroundings until someone sits down next to me. I don't look at who it is and I can't see anyway cos my head it on the table

"What are you doing all the way out here, shouldn't you be in school" I immediately recognize the voice, its James. I sit up and look at him "you don't look ill,"

"Well I am" he just gives me that 'really' look "OK its fake, I can't tell you why though, but why aren't you at school," I ask returning the question

"I was worried about you, I know your staying at some guys house, and for you to be ill but still stay at his house was a little suspicious, so I came to look for you, but why are you outside"

"I did feel a little Ill so I decided to talk a walk to clear my mind, but that didn't work when your around" he rests his hand on my knee covering mine.

"I'll always be worrying about you, so the second you need me call me and I'll be there, no matter when, where, why, I'll stop what I'm doing and I'll find you" I'm now holding his hand,

"I know, you'll be the first person I would call anyway, I may be nice to you, then rude but that's only because I'm scared that if I let you in then, I'll hurt mysef as soon as something happens, as soon as you leave,"

"I won't leave you, I'll stay, I'm not a leaver I'm a stayer." He reassures me, I smile. He places when hand on my face and I have this magical feeling inside of me. The next thing i know, I'm leaning in to kiss James, just as our lips nearly meet, I hear a bikes bell and I rewind.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of", I get up and leave, James follows on after me, he takes my hand and pulls me back to him, I'm not exactly sure what to do now

"Listen Riley, this isn't you, okay. What's up?" I feel like I should tell him

"James I need you to be there for me when I need you, that's all, please promise me you will be there?"

"Okay, I will I promise"

"Thank you, but seriously I must leave" I tell him. I walk away this time no wanting him to chase after me, and to my luck he didn't.
When I get back to Charlie's house. I see he's still on his bed "didn't even make a effort to get up"

"Why should I and by the way, you don't need to get up tomorrow either, this illness, is pretty bad, it could be upto three months until it is cleared"

"Th- three m-months?" The thought of staying with him longer, hurts my stomach

"I'm kidding babe, your not even ill at all" its true, I'm not ill so I could just leave anyway.
Friday night came pretty fast, I mean it doesn't feel like its been a week already. I get ready into my dress and it doesn't feel as comfortable wearing it as I did before. It because of the thought of everyone seeing me like this, before it was just me, Amanda and James, now its going to be my old school and complete strangers there, I finish off getting ready, applying my last bit of make up, When Charlie drives me, I stay silent, he tries to make a conversation but I dont let him. After about 20 minutes of the party and I've lost Charlie, its really crowded and I can't find anyone I know, I find myself being pulled out of the room and away from the party. I'm am having a load of doubts about this party, but I'm to afraid to look at who it is
A/N:does anyone want me to update it more often, I don't know if there's any point of me updating more often cos people probably cba to read a new chapter everyday, so who wants me to update more

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