Chapter 12

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Riley's POV
I hang up the phone, unable to tell James and Emily where I am, I go back into Charlie's room

"Are you alright" he ask me, I look up at him

"Yeah, it was my sister, just telling me she won't be home tonight, but why would I need to know, if I'm gonna stay here" I smile at him and he smiles back, he throws some clothes at me and as I pick them up I notice they're mine I left here the last time a slept here.

"You should get changed," he leaves his room allowing me to get changed in there.

James's POV
I lay on my bed wondering what to do next, I want to find Riley but I don't know how to, if I really like her then I should let her be where she wants to be, if she doesn't want me to find her I won't then. I pick up my phone and I just happen to click on Riley's contact. I want her to be safe. I type
'You may not want me to know where you are, but I want to know, you may not tell me but I won't give up, if your in any trouble you can tell me, I wouldn't ever give up till I find you'
my thumb hovers over the send button but it then moves over to the power button, I switch it off and put it down. I don't want to lose Riley, I pick the phone back up and I cant help myself, I send the message to her without thinking and then I immediately regret it

Riley's POV
As night falls, I lay in bed next to him, he plays with my hair as I lay close to him
"You know you could've stayed yanno, or stayed with me." He tells me softly

"I could've but I had to leave, I didn't have a choice"

"Why did you come back, back to me, you can't say its because you were invited, you told me that if you came back it was because you need me, I was always the one you would go to wasn't I, you told me you had to leave because you loved me. And you wasn't allowed to love me so you left with Eldon"

"I loved you" I say quietly, as I say that I think of James, Ive never felt so much towards someone, I always thought it would be Charlie, but now I've met James, I know its him

"We had everything, you had the world at your feet, you wanted to love and be loved, we had that, if you say with me, you can have it back in a heartbeat" his words sooth me and I feel something different, my parents asked me if I wanted to stay with Charlie before we moved after they spoke to his parents, they all expected me to stay with him, but I couldn't, after I spoke to Emily I couldn't leave her, but now lying next to Charlie, I feel different, I don't know who I feel for, if I want to be with James or Charlie, but I know I don't want to be with Eldon, however I can't break up with him for some reasons. My phone beeps but I ignore it, I've already told my parents I'm not coming home tonight so its not off them so I don't need to answer. "You know, there's a party coming up on Friday, your always welcome to come, I'll take you"

"Really? What type" I want to go with him, but I'm not going to a total strangers party

"Katie's, most of us are going, and it'll be great for you to see everyone again" he moves the hair from in front of my face.

"I would love to go with you" I say, which means now I have to go out and get a new dress, its all about the fancy clothes when it comes to parties, I have to look my best whenever.
A/N: this is another chapter saved in draft for a long time now, I still have 4/5 more saved so I might update it soon, depending on how many people want me to

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