Chapter 11

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Riley's pov
I haven't spoke to James since lunch. As soon as last lesson finishes I'm out the school as soon as possible. I don't want to have to even make eye contact with him, or any contact at all. I decide to take a different route home so that James won't drive past me. As I'm walking I feel a tap on my shoulder. I thought I would be able to avoid him but I can't

"James-" I say turning around "please I don't want-" I stop as I notice that it's not James standing behind me. "Jack what are you, um what are you doing here"

"I just decided to go for a walk, but it's weird seeing you out her. This is a long way from your house"

"I know, I just wanted to clear my mind"

"Do you wanna come over, it'll help you clear your mind, my bros there and he'll probably want to speak to you anyway."

"Sure, ill love to"
We walk to his house, me and his brother were really close before I left. So it is a great thing for his brother to ask me to come around. We just talk for a bit until we reach there. He opens the door. And I walk in

"Just go up to his room" jack tells me

"Okay" I walk upstairs and to his room. I did spend ALOT of time in his room before I left, honestly too much time. We had this frowning relationship. It was a slow and growing friendship and it made us really close. I open the door as his taking his shirt off so I quickly close the door, I'm sure he hear the door shut cos he comes and opens it but this time with his shirt on "miss me" I ask

"Riley" he picks me up and spins me around in the hallway. "I've missed you"

"I've missed you too"

James's pov
I decide to drive over to Riley's house, cos sitting down on my bed I can't get her off my mind. As I go to knock on the door it opens and it's Emily. She looks like she's going somewhere.
"Excuse me" she said waiting for me to move. So I move out her way, she locks the door and she walks away as if I wasn't there

"Emily!" I shout "Emily!"

"What!" She shoots back facing me now

"Why did you lock the door"

"Cos, no ones in there, my parents ain't home yet and Riley has to stay back for detention."

"Riley doesn't have detention, I'm in all her classes and wears in her math class, she hasn't got detention." She walks closer to me, she looks either curious or worried

"Ok I'll call her then" she takes a phone out of her pocket and dials Riley's number, puts her on speaker

R: hey what's up?
E: where are you, I just checked with one of your friends and your not in detention
R: uh yeah, uh I'm at James' house, I decided to stay there since your gonna be out anyway so it stops me from being alone
E: is James there
R: yeah he invited me in, duh

I grab the phone off Emily

J: oh really, I don't remember that
R: James why are you on Emily's phone
J: I was worried about you, so she called you up, why are you lying, where are you Riley
R: Uh

That's it, that's the end of the call, when it ends I hand it back to Emily. She puts it back in her pocket.
"I have to go, its urgent, I can't stay to help riley, she's fine though, Riley would send signals if she wasn't. Okay?" I nod and she walks away, getting into the car, and drives off, I don't get why Riley would lie, to me and her sister but I know that I'm going to find out,
A/n: this has been in draft for ages and so has the next 7 chapters. I wrote them all the same day I wrote the last 2. So i don't remember what this is about. Do you want me to upload the next chapters?

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