Chapter 22

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Riley's pov
As James pulls me onto his lap, I hear the door open and I turn to see Emily and my dad, Emily's eyes widens as she sees us but then thinks quick and distracts our dad. I jump off James' lap on go to sit on the chair opposite him. I give her a signal to say all clear. She nods

"Ya no what, it don't really matter anymore" she says

"Okay well I'm gonna go and find your mother and you need to remember to pack everything you need" he reminds her

"Sure" my dad leaves and she takes a seat by me "you owe me one"

"I know, I know,"

"Good and don't forget that" she gets up and walks out of the room

My parents and Emily left this morning after James picked me up to go to school, I tried to speak with Eldon at lunch but when I tried to, he made an excuse so that he could leave. Before I came here, me and Eldon would hang out every weekend and just spend a load of time together. But ever since I began school, he's changed. He tried to convince me not to move schools and he won't speak to me, well he does but he won't get into a conversation with just me. It has to be a group one. After school James picked me up from school and took me home. Right now I'm just sitting on the couch and James went upstairs for something, he's been upstairs for quite along time now. So I get up and go upstairs

"James?" I call, but no answer, its silent as ever. I go back downstairs and outside to try and find him. When I get to the end of the driveway, I don't see him. I know his phones inside, he left it before he went "upstairs" I continue walking, off the pavement and into the road, except I may have forgotten to look, which is what I realize as someone pulls me back and a cap zooms straight past me, which would've hit me "thanks" I say as i turn around.

"I don't matter, just be more careful next time" the guy tells me, I know him

"Uh I will"

"Yeah, long time no see, Riley, right?" It was a familiar face I thought I wouldn't see again

"Yep, But I thought I wouldn't see you again"

"Don't make any wishes..." He jokes, I smile "I gotta go, nice seeing you again though" he waves as he walls away

"Bye" I stand there for a minute, just rethinking the events of the last time I saw him. Something knock me out of my trance, it James, him arms go around my waist

"You seem a little tense" he says "come on, let's go back inside" he releases me and goes back in, I follow him till we get in

"Where have you been? You left" I say confidently, cos I know he wasn't here

"Yeah that's why I called you back in, I have to go home right now, I'll be back in an hour"

"You're taking this job a little serious"

"I don't want you to get hurt..." He trails off "what happened the last time, before you moved, changed school, the last time you was left alone, all I've heard is everyone keep saying 'after the last time'" I should've expected this to be asked

"Its not the best thing for me to talk about, I'll tell you when I'm ready to, I don't know how long that'll be"

"Okay, as soon as your ready to tell me, I'll be ready to listen, but now I've gotta go, I promise I'll be back"

"Some promises don't get kept" I say quietly, so quiet I don't think James heard. He comes closer to me

"I heard you, and there's no way I would break a promise, especially if its to you" he kisses my forehead and walks away "see you in an hour" the next thing I hear is the door close. Which makes me feel worse,

"I'm sorry" I whisper as all the memories flood back into my head
A/N: sorry for not updating. I've been on holiday, I know this chapter ain't as good but I might as well keep it up to date

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