Chapter 18

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A/N:warning, this is probably the worst chapter I've wrote so far, just thought to warn you

Riley's pov
James sends me upto his room after I see an unfamiliar face greet him at the door, as curious as I am to find out who she is, I don't want to go around sneaking after the previous events. I sit on his bed and I just lay down on his bed, I notice that there's a photo on his cupboard, I don't bother moving but I just stare at it, it's a photo of him and his sister when he was younger. No hear the door open and I sit up seeing James rush in and close the door suddenly but quietly behind him.

"What's wrong" I ask him

"You need to hide,"


"They're people from that party you attended to, even worse they're friends-"

"Wait they're"

"Yeah there's a guy and girl, but anyway they're friends with the one who tried to rape you, and he told them you hit on him, I tried to talk them away from it but the dude is after you. They girl left to go wait in his care but then another guy showed up" I'm worried. I don't know how they found me or James. "We need to do something, in 2 minutes they're gonna come and get you." I get an idea pop into my head, why would I hit on someone if I already have someone.

"I have an idea but you've gotta play along with it." He nods, I make sure to close the curtains before beginning. I pull his shirt over his head and throw it. He lets me

"Riley what are you doing, do you even know." He questions,

"You said you were gonna play along with it, now can you unzip my dress" I hear them begin to come up the stairs and James follows my commands, he unzips the back of my dress leaving me in my bra and underwear. I know it's not right, but after tonight's events, i don't care. He pulls me close to him as we hear them reach the stop of the stairs

James' pov
It seems a little weird how Riley's acting, she started out as Eldons girlfriend who was then flirting with me and i had a crush on, then she stays with someone from her old school which gets me jealous cos he gets to spend all his nights with her, he takes her to a party and leaves Riley and lets her nearly get raped. And now she's standing half naked, pressed against me. It just seems really fast how she's changed.

"Why are you doing this" I speak quickly

"Cos no one likes to walk in on 2 people making-"

"No not that, why are you-" as the door flies open I see Riley get herself into a position where it looks like we've been kissing. She then runs and get the quilt to cover her

"You could know next time" she tells the boys. I now see how her plan comes into the room. They walk in and closer to her. "There is something called privacy"

"Why did you hit on our mate, he already has a girlfriend and now you've broke them up by having-" on of the boys say being cut off by Riley

"What do you mean, why would I need to, I have James and if you didn't realise we was getting onto that part-"

"I'm sorry Riley, I can't let you do this" i interrupt. Then turn to the boys "he tried to rape Riley, you can even ask Amanda who is my friend. We was driving around, when we saw him going to make a move on her. And If she was to try to escape she would be shot, she's mine and I'm not going to let anyone take her" I say proudly

Riley's pov
Hearing what James said it made me smile. Hearing him call me his it makes me feel safe. One of the guys drops a note in front of me, I pick it up

"Okay, you have your own way then" the one says, leaving. Once he's gone I open the piece of paper he dropped for me. And read it
A/N: probably the worst chapter I've written yet, but I dunno, what do u think

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