Chapter 90 - ????

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"Why are you helping me?" I asked, instantly suspicious of his motives. Being surrounded by so much hate made me crazy paranoid and I felt like everyone in Arcadia was out to get me. I couldn't believe that I caused so much agony at only sixteen.

"Because I believe that good people still exist in this world. I believe what you said about time travel; I've suffered from time sickness ever since I was eight. My father would never believe me, but you understand what it's like. Now listen closely because I will only say this once. I am going to assassinate my father today; this palace is the only place in Arcadia that's not constantly monitored by security."

"He's a terrible person, but why do you want to kill him?" I asked, shocked.

"He has a time machine, and I'm afraid that one of these days, his temptation to use it will overcome him. I think you know exactly what will happen if he does," he replied, shaking his head.

"No, no way that's real," I replied in disbelief.

"Oh, it's real alright... Now go, I'll tell my father I sent you away to the camps. Don't worry about me; I don't fear death. For once, I'll do something good in my life; this will be my atonement..."

I wanted more than anything to protest and tell Filius I would not let him kill himself over me, but I knew that we'd both be dead if I did that, so I decided with pain in my heart to leave. I felt practically glued to the ground from how much I wanted to stay with him; he was killing himself over somebody he barely even knew. I felt like I was the spawn of the devil at that moment; I felt like I didn't deserve to be alive.

Goodbye, my friend... 

The October AmaryllisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora