Chapter 106 - May 19th, 2020 - 12:30 P.M.

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We had an atrocious split pea soup for lunch that nearly made me puke my guts out. It was absurdly salty, and I felt like I was drinking water from the Dead Sea.

"Split pea soup? More like split piss soup..." I said with a deep sigh; I mean, seriously, how hard is it to get decent food for psychiatric hospitals? I'm not asking for filet mignon here, just something edible. They treat us like animals and expect us to love them back. Sorry, honey, you ain't earned my respect. Now that I think about it it's a lot like Welcome Home (Sanitarium) by Metallica. That song is gorgeous... Pretty off-topic, but I'm kind of an iconoclast. I believe laws shouldn't be followed if they're stupid. For example, I heard that it's illegal to sell individual cigarettes in some places. People can't go one step without the government harassing them. Oh boo hoo, you didn't get your tax money! You're already trillions of dollars in debt, so what does it matter, anyway? When we steal from the government, it's a crime, but when they steal from us, it's business as usual... Killing is their business, and business is good!

Angella spat out her soup and burst out laughing in response to my comment. I honestly didn't expect anyone to react to what I said. I make lots of stupid comments out loud; mostly, I'm just talking to myself when I say them.

"So, how is your first day going?" she asked me after calming down.

"Okay, I guess; I mean, I wish I could have my phone in here. It's like my phone is my one distraction from the world, you know? Nothing beats ignoring people and blasting music on your headphones."

"I completely get that; I'm addicted to my phone, so not having it is giving me major anxiety. I swear it's like crack," she replied with a frown, shaking her head.

"I honestly feel like my phone is responsible for 75% of my problems," I said with a sheepish smile. I'm constantly on it, even when it's not appropriate. I was even on my phone during my dad's funeral. It's not my fault that there's so much good content on the internet.

"Same for me, but with my computer," Thomas said with a frown.

"This is kinda off-topic, but one day, our kids will look back at our technology and think that it's terrible; it's crazy how quickly it evolves," Devon said in deep thought.

"Not just technology, but music too. I wonder what it'll sound like in fifty years; it'll probably be a bunch of robots singing," Stella said with a laugh.

"It already is; just listen to modern pop music. Auto-Tune was a mistake; it only made music worse."

"Is Auto-Tune that weird effect T-Pain uses on his voice in every song?" Angela asked curiously.

"Yup, that's the one. Personally, I think it sounds wack, but maybe that's just me..." I said in a disgusted tone, shaking my head.

"I hate it; that's why I listen to metal; they can actually sing," Thomas said.

"What's your favorite metal band?" Angela asked curiously.

"Type O Negative, have you heard of them? They broke up, but they were great while they were around."

"Can't say I have," she replied with a frown.

"I know them," I said with a massive grin; I never thought I'd meet someone else who listened to them. Christian Woman is an absolute masterpiece.

"Nice! What's your favorite song by them?" he asked excitedly.

"Definitely Christian Woman; it's one of the best songs ever made, in my opinion."

"Oh, yeah, that one is great. It's my second favorite song."

"What's your first?" Devon asked curiously.

"I Was Made for Lovin' You by Kiss. Do any of you know it?"

"Yes!" Stella exclaimed excitedly.

"It's probably the catchiest song of all time," Angella said with a chuckle.

"I read that some of the band's members hated it. I thought it was amazing. I don't get how brilliant people often think their work is terrible," I replied, shaking my head.

"We're our own worst critics, or so they say," Thomas said with a shrug.

"I mean basically yeah, so when do each of you ge-" I said before being interrupted by a nurse. I practically yelled at her for interrupting me until she said I had a visitor.


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