Chapter 4

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The strings grazed my arm and drew blood. I winced, the wound began to sting as I ran out of the way as another string came shooting my way.

Jean clumsily got up and ran back to the stairs, yelling at the others to get up. I grabbed my dagger from my belt and held it tight, my knuckles turning white. I stood my ground, preparing to fight back if necessary. Mikasa came sprinting towards me, dodging the Doll's attack.

The Doll itself was slowly moving in our direction, it's weak legs being drag across the floor, making a horrid scrapping sound. Odd coloured saliva dripped from its mouth, it's thin structure shook as it launched more and more strings at us.

Everyone in my group had come to help fight it, slicing the strings when they came to closed. We advanced, slowly, but we managed to gain some ground.

"Eren! Connie said he almost done with the demolition, we have to get out of here now!!"

"Right!! You guys get outta here, I'll distract it!!" As I finished talking a scream came from my left. I turned to see Jean falling to the floor, a string had gone right through his thigh. A dark blood came running down his legs and created a small pool on the floor.

The Doll hissed and started to drag Jean towards it, running towards him I cut the string and used my body to shield him from any more attacks. Mikasa started to pick up Jean bridal style and then began to ran towards the stairs. The Doll screamed, it's sounded hurt and angry, due to the fact I just stole it's food.

"Get out if there!!" I finally yelled as a string sunk into my arm. I let out a yelp of pain, black spots danced in my vision. I felt my body being tugged over towards the hungry creature.

"EREN!!" Mikasa yelled, I turned and looked at her. As I let my guard slip another string pierced my leg, shattering the bone in half. I screamed in agony and fell onto my knees, the Doll still dragging me by my arm and now my leg. I looked down and saw something white poke out of my trousers, dear god I hope that's not my broken bone.

My head became light and my vision became dizzy. I watched Mikasa run towards me, everything seemed to be in slow motion, but she was to late as a wooden beam fell into her path when Connie's bombs went off. Debris and bits of house rained around me, the sudden shock pushing me back, pulling the strings which dug deeper into my flesh.

I screamed and Mikasa's yells were muffled when the the hall way was completely blocked leaving me in the dark, alone, injured with a hungry monster. The smell if rotting flesh filled the air, the sound of broken lungs struggling to breath. A damp tongue licked my cheek, the creature clicked as old body parts moved into place.

Skin snapped and ripped as it's mouth got wider. I stayed where I was, not moving, I can't escape. It's jaw clamped onto my arm, decaying teeth sinking into my flesh. I screamed in pain, tears streaming down my face. The Doll took a chunk of my arm into its mouth. Through the dark I could make out a large bleeding hole, the white bone poking out of my arm. My shirt was torn and began to soak up the blood making it turn a darker colour.

The black spots which danced in my vision became larger, my heart beat began to pick up. The Doll sunk it's teeth into my shoulder. I screamed for the last time, and felt myself fading away.

Mikasa, forgive me...

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