Chapter 11

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"Eren wake up"


My eyes opened, glazed with sleep, and saw Armin. My body felt damp and sticky, a drop of sweat trickled down my forehead. I groaned and sat up, my body was stiff and aching.


"It's good to see you again. How are you? You seem a bit shaken up." Armin said his voice was soft, but worried. I shivered even though it was warm inside the tent, I was scared to close my eyes again. To relive that moment most nights is horrible enough as it is.

"I'm ok. I just had that dream again, but this time it was a little different..." I muttered, putting my hand to my head.


"Little boy are you ok?" She shook my shoulder gently. I didn't say anything, didn't move, didn't speak.

"He must still be in shock, leave him be." Another person said, moving the lady away. I felt something dribble down my head, I brought my fingers to my face. I could see blood on my finger tips.

"Now little boy, what's your name? Your sister is waiting outside the house. Let's get you out of this attic." The lady said, trying to comfit me

"Why did they do it." I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks. I clenched my fists, breathing heavily, anger pulsed though my veins.

"What was that dear? Please speak up, I can't hear you"

"Why did they do it!! Who could do that!! Why!!!" I yelled at her, after that I couldn't control my emotions. When they tried to help I stepped out of their reach or hit them, but by being ten my punches weren't going to hurt them badly.

"Kid! We don't know what did this to your parents! Stay calm! Relax!" The man yelled, the lady had left. Possibly because she didn't want to be around an angry, violent boy like me.

"How can I relax when my parents died to save me! No. They were murdered!! I couldn't help her!!"

"Neither could I! We came to late, to bloody late!! Time you opened you eyes to reality kid! Your parents are never coming back! I'm sorry it had to be this way." What he said was true, I didn't want to believe it though.

The horrors which I saw, what I had to witness, what I had to fight. That day I swore that I would find what killed my parents and make them suffer the same way I did that very night.



"Huh? Yeah, sorry Armin. So, Sasha said that there was another body."

"Oh yeah! We have it in a storage house I think west from here. I thought maybe we could check out the wounds and stuff." He said "Well, not me personally, I tend to get sick with the sight of guts and- you know what I feel my breakfast coming now, just a second."

Armin put his hand over his mouth, his skin became paler and he scrambled out of the tent. I could hear him being sick outside. Armin always had a soft stomach, even when we were kids, never liked gore or anything like that.

I got out of the tent slowly, watching were I step. Could never be to careful, right? Anyway, Armin was busy puking up his breakfast at the base of a nearby tree and Krista came running over with a rag and water. Once Armin had finished Krista helped him clean up by whipping his face and giving him some water to wash his mouth.

I, on the other hand felt like shit. I was sure I was still sane even though my childhood wasn't full of rainbows and unicorns like other kids. My body felt as though it had ran a thousand miles or something, it was stiff and sore, possibly because of the god damn stitches.

I walked over to Krista, cringing at every step I took. Armin stood and nodded, catching my eye as he did so, he walked away and went to join the others who came to collect us. Krista must have seen Armin looking over her shoulder so she turned to face me. Her lips turned up in a heart warming smile and asked how I was doing.

I explained how I felt and she asked me to follow her. I was led into a nice little area with a table and chairs, Mikasa was sitting on one of the chairs head resting on the table. Asleep. Krista put her finger to her lips asking for quite, I nodded and sat down.

"So, Eren. Mind if I take a look at the wounds and stitches please?" She whispered, pulling a chair closer so she could sit on. Grabbing a small glass bottle and a flannel she waited for me to remove my shirt.

Once the shirt was off she looked at the maroon bandages and squinted, I flinched when she touch my skin as she began to remove the material. Krista discarded the bandages and looked at my red shoulder, taking the flannel she poured a bit of the thick liquid and applied it to my shoulder wound first.

"Oh my fucking god! That hurts!" I hissed though clenched teeth. I tried to keep quite, but my attempt to stay silent failed and Mikasa sat up suddenly. Her eyes were wide open, cheeks tear stained. Mikasa looked around frantically and stared at me, blinking she stood and slowly came towards me.

"Eren! Are you okay?"

"Fabulous! OH MY GOD!!" I screeched as Krista applied more of that liquid. It burned, my skin felt as though it was alight. Grabbing some medical leaves or something she put it over the stitches and wrapped my shoulder up with a clean bandage.

"So sorry about that Eren. I didn't mean to hurt you its just, the ointment I used doesn't always cause pain. It was meant to sooth and calm the injury, but I guess it must have reacted with another medication. I'm terrible sorry!"

"Its fine, honestly. I just overreacted that's all." I winched as I put my shirt on. "Anyway, thanks Krista."

"Its fine, come and see me if the pain continues or the wound becomes infected."

"Got it. Thanks" I said, moving my shoulder slightly, loosening it a bit without causeing it to be painful. I clapped my hands and looked over at Mikasa "I know I haven't been here long, but could we get going because I want to check that body out."

"Are you sure? God knows what that tiny creep did to you." Mikasa said with both worry and hatred. Krista was clearing away jars, herbs and bottles then once she finished she left us alone. Honestly I really don't want to have this conversation, but I can't walk away like Krista.

"I have no idea what they did to me, honestly. They seemed pretty kind, feed me food" Which was gross. "-Gave me medication, stitched me up and stuff." I said, running a hand through my messy hair. I looked at Mikasa and she stared at me.

"Hm. If you say so, but I don't trust that grumpy dwarf. Somethings a little off about him, I don't have high expectations with him."

"Yeah yeah, I get it that you don't like him."

"You seem a little protective of him. Whys that?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised an eyebrow.

"Protective? Sheesh. Please the guy helped me, do I really have to go over what they did? 'Cos I don't, to much work."

"Alright, forget I asked. I was just worried, Eren, you make me worry. I mean you're the only family I have left and I didn't want to lose you."

"I understand. I'm sorry. Maybe we should go check the body out, solve this shitty case and ask the boss for a bit of time off. Hey, maybe we could go to that cafe which does those fruit cakes and the things Armin likes."

"That sounds great." Mikasa said smiling. I walked over towards her and embraced her in a hug, I felt her shaking slightly. I held her close, quietly she whispered "Don't ever leave me again..."

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