Chapter 10

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I groaned and sat up, my head spinning. Why does this always happen to me? I swear I have some sort of medical condition or the world hates me.

I looked around, scanning my surroundings, I seemed to be in quite a large tent. I started to crawl towards the zipped up entrance, slowly unzipping it so that I could get out.

I was greeted by the most delicious smell ever, I didn't realise how hungry I was. Once I was out I saw that it was twilight, the forest looked even more twisted than during the day, a soft read glow was to my left, a fire.

"So your awake? How are you feeling Eren?" Sitting by the fire, stirring a pot, was Sasha. The very last person I would expect to see in a forest at night.


"Yep? Why don't you come and sit over here, I made some dinner. Well, more dinner." She said smiling, putting a white mushroom into the pot.

I narrowed my eyes, looking at her. After what happened with that creature I don't want to risk it. I put my hands in my pocket to search for anything that could be used as a potential weapon. Only to my luck, my pockets were empty.

"So Sasha.... Um..What's your favourite food?"

She laughed "Don't worry Eren, I'm not one of those creatures and if you really want an answer it would have to be.... Hm... You know what I don't think I have a favourite..."

I relaxed, yep, that's the real Sasha. I stood and walked over to her, the delicious aroma getting stronger the closer I got. Sasha picked up a small, china bowl and started to pour some of the food in.

"Here, you must be hungry. It's stewed vegetables which I found in the forest." She said, only then did I see the basket by her feet. It was overflowing with turnips, potatoes, small tomatoes, three different types of wild mushrooms and some herbs.

"Wow, smells great."

"Tastes great too. Dig in!" She said smiling. Taking a potato out of the basket she began to cut it into quarters, and then cutting those quarters into quarters.

I looked down at the bowl and studied the food, I trust her cooking and stuff. It's just... She once went over board and put crickets in a meal. Don't get me wrong or anything it tasted amazing, just a bit to crunchy for my liking. Though Reiner's stomach didn't agree with it and the bathrooms smelt terrible for days.

I picked up the steel spoon, which was already in the stew, and spooned up a bit of potato. When I bit into it I just melted away, it was that good and when you haven't had anything apart from a sandwich that tasted like cardboard it made it taste even better.

Once I had finished eating I helped Sasha clear away the bowls and when she had finished the left overs, she started to fry up some cut mushrooms and potatoes. When they were cooked we picked at them, occasionally taking one to nibble on.

"So Sasha, what were you doing out here anyway?"

She swallowed and then cleared her throat. "Well I was gathering some more food, since the stuff in the Inn tastes like crap and then I heard a lot of noise. I was in a tree at that time trying to find some honey, unfortunately I couldn't find any, but I found you talking to a giant potato.

"I got my bow ready, wanting to take that potato in and serve it with rice, but it turned out to be a ugly creature. I shot it anyway, and then came down to find you unconscious. I set up a tent Mikasa gave me and dragged you into it. While you were snoring away I cooked up some food, ate it, cooked more and then you woke up." She said faster than I could think, I doubt she remembered to breath. Considering she was gasping for air.

I didn't understand half of the things she said. I looked at the fire, staring at the wood it was burning. The way it went white and then broke and vanished into the flames. There were arrow tips in the fire, slowly being engulfed in flames.

An owl hooted and insects buzzed. The air got colder and the sky got darker, I looked up at the stars. It was beautiful, like someone had taken a white paint brush and splattered the stars into the dark sky.

"Eren... I had forgotten to tell you. Another one had been found, rip to shreds in an alley. We were going to try and find you, but we didn't know where the man had taken you."

"What man?" Could she be referring to Levi? Maybe?

"This guy, when the mansion collapsed he helped dig you out. The Doll was dead and you were unconscious, terrible wounds on your shoulder and arm." I brought my hand to my shoulder and gently brushed my fingers over the bandages wincing at the sudden pain.

"Oh, I see."

"Yeah, he said he new someone who could heal you and asked Mikasa if he could take you and stuff. Mikasa wasn't happy with the idea,but she did it anyway." Sasha picked up a slice of fried mushroom and popped it into her mouth. When she was done she sighed, "Why don't you get some rest, I'll contact Armin and explain the situation. It was nice talking with you Eren!"

I nodded and made my way to the tent, slipping inside. I zipped up the entrance, not completely though, I needed some of the cool night air. I could hear the sound of stuff being moved and something being ripped. I poked my head out of the small gap, the part I didn't zip up, and saw Sasha eating a loaf of bread.

She had a phone in her hand and while eating. Dialling a number into the device one handed, when she was finished she put it to her ear.

"Hey Armin! It's me, I gathered the food you wanted an I also found something else. Eren! I found him talking to a giant potato and-" She paused, listening to Armin's reply. "Pfft. I'm not going crazy, it was this shapeshifting creature. It took a form of a potato and looked yummy, I was going to bring it back only it ended up being a slimy thingy."

She stopped talking and took a bite of bread, listening. "Eren? Yeah I think he's fine. I haven't check the wounds, sorry. Maybe you could do it when I bring him back?" She paused again. "I know you don't like that kinda stuff, maybe Krista or Bertolt could check it out. Eren seems fit enough to fight though, how about I contact you tomorrow?"

There was the sound of a bird in the distance and I shuffled, the position I was in was uncomfortable. "- Look for the trail of bread crumbs! Well, the empty bushes actually. I'm sure you'll find us! We're camping by a big tree with-" Sasha took a bit of bread and rolled her eyes as she listened to Armin talking.

"I know this forest is full of trees! There's this really big oak tree we're under, it has a pink flower on! Ok? See you! Byeeeeeee!!" She removed the phone from her ear and turned it off. Taking another bite of the slowly vanishing loaf, Sasha stared at the fire.

I moved, zipped the tent up completely and lied down on a blanket which I woke up on. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of insects and owls, as I softly fell asleep.

Deep Slumberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن