Chapter 22

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I know we shouldn't have done it, but we did. Despite the fact that Levi said not to split up, we did anyway. My group (Mikasa, Reiner, Ymir and Krista) was currently trying to get down a staircase. Trying.

The wooden floor boards were decaying and each step was like trending on thin ice. Every time I place my feet on a step the wood would groan, all of us had a sick feeling within our stomach, one we can't erase until we make it to the bottom. Well, if there is one. I bloody well hope so, because I am not in the mood to go back up this spiral staircase.

"G-Guys....?!" Krista whispered, barely audible above the creaking. We all turned towards the petite blond, her eyes full of fear. She gripped the banister so tight her knuckles turned ivory, Ymir's breathing picked up, She's panicking.... My green eyes we strained trying to see every detail using what little light was coming out of the torch Mikasa held.

"Krista.... Come on, its safe I was standing there a few seconds ago..."

"I-I can't....! I-I......Y-Ymir....!" Krista didn't move a muscle, standing like a marble statue.

"Krista, you have to trust me. Take my hand-"

"Oh god, what was that noise...?" We all quieted down, the creaking wood had ascended in volume.

"Krista, you have to trust me-!" Ymir reached her hand out. Krista shook her head, refusing to let go of the wooden banester, her eyes full of fear, tears forming within the corner of her eyes. Se wouldn't let go, the terror clinging to her small frame.

"Y-Ymir... I'm scared....."

"It's fine, just edge down slowly, I'll catch you. I swear on my life-!"

"O-Okay......!" We all held out breath, palms sweating from the pressure.

Krista's grip loosed slowly, following Ymir's orders she edge down slowly. Only this resulted in the wooden floor board snapping, splinters were thrown into the musty air. Krista lost her footing and.....Fell.....!?

Her eyes wide open, mouth open in a silent scream, hand outstretched begging to be held so that she wouldn't fall into the darkness. Ymir shrieked twisting around and throwing herself to the floor, trying to grab Krista's hand.


"YMIR-!" Krista's voice faded, the darkness swallowing her whole. All that was left was a large hole and heavy breathing.

Ymir clenched her reached out fist, her knuckles turned ivory. When her hands relaxed, I noticed her nails tainted red, crimson crescents dotted along her palm in an oval shape.

From there on we were all quiet, the darkness seemed colder, the torches light seemed dimmer. Ymir was silent, not uttering a word. If Krista fell the stairs below were fine, yet her body wasn't found.

Occasionally Reiner would try to reassure her, each was a fail. I trailed my fingers along the cold stone, thoughts and emotion clouded my mind. Yet one question kept resurfacing within the tangle of knowledge.

We reached the bottom of the staircase, a tense, thick air hung around us. If it had a form it would make the air murky, yet it's invisible and is slowly suffocating us.

A small arch build from brick was the only exit rampart from the stairs behind us, none of us wanted to even glance at the old death trap.

The arch was the entrance to a musky smelling hallway, mould crept up the once matron walls. The hallway looked uninviting and if I wasn't in a rescue mission I would already be on my way back to the Inn.

But, hey that's not going to happen.

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