Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of people talking and pushing past each other. I opened my eyes slightly, then closed them because of the sunlight coming through the window. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, I rolled over and moaned. I sat up and got a real good view of the room.

The sleeping bags were all pushed to one corner, my bed had been moved (with me in it) out of the way. Everyone else was up and doing a job of some kind. Either cleaning equipment, writing in notebooks, checking boxes which beeped or talking.

"So your finally awake, Huh? Thank goodness. Once your dressed and washed start helping us." Reiner said, walking past carrying a small black notebook. I rubbed my eye with the back of my hand and yawned.

"Why didn't anyone wake me..?" I sighed and threw back the covers, swinging my legs over the edge.

"Mikasa threatened us, when Jean touched you she sort off..." Reiner trailed off as an angry Jean walked past, he looked over at me and I saw he had a black eye. He flipped the finger at me and I choked back a laugh. "No one really wanted to get beaten up by her, so we just left you."

"Ah, I understand. So, whats going on?" I asked, getting out and straightening the bed covers. Reiner looked down at his notebook and then met my eyes again.

"An anonymous person wrote us a letter, within the letter it had information about a Doll, judging by the description, haunting a mansion nearby. Its been causing some problems lately."

"Where is the Doll haunting exactly?"

"467 Lotus Road, supposedly the mansion has been abandoned for some time now. Perfect habitat."

Wait, what? The address, it was the same as the one I found last night. 467 Lotus road. The paper with the address also stated to come prepared. That man, maybe he could of had something to do with it? This could be a trap for all I know!

"Eren? Oi! Eren!!" Reiner shouted, bringing me back to reality. I looked at him and exhaled.

"We need more info, we don't know what were up against. Dolls are unpredictable, heck, we don't even know if it is one. Just sounds like it due to the description, right?" I ran my fingers though my hair and Reiner nodded, agreeing with me.
"Ok, I got it. Why don't we take a handful of us and have them check the mansion out. The others can stay on guard in case something happens. We don't want to many deaths on our hands if things get outta control."

"I'll go tell the others this idea, why don't you get prepared. Since I assume you will be one of the handful going?"

"Yep, go get the top ten. Since we need skill, strength, but most of all brains if we are to outsmart it."

"Got it!" Reiner said as he left, talking to Bertolt when he walked past him. I picked up my bag and unzipped the top. Rummaging through the contents, I took out black jeans, a black turtle neck and a thick jacket. Perfect for both protecting and for dissolving into the shadows.

Once I was changed and washed, feeling fresh and clean, I went into the main hall of the Inn. It had dark red carpets, old looking furniture and the wooden paneling had turned a darker shade of brown. Ten people where scattered about the room, sitting on sofas, staring out of windows or talking to one another.

They all looked up at me when I entered, my combat boots creating a racket. I scanned their faces, making sure everyone is present.

Mikasa Ackerman, expert in close and far combat.

Reiner Braun, weapons expert.

Bertolt Hoover, curses and charms expert.

Annie Leonhart, specialises in close combat.

Jean Kirstein, guy who dies first.

Marco Bott, projectile specialist.

Connie Springer, demolitions Expert.

Sasha Blouse, excellent sense of smell and instincts like no other.

Krista Lenz, remedies and healing expert.

Armin Arlert, highest academic score in The Corps.

And finally myself, Eren Jaeger, the leader.

This is it, the small team I will be leading towards the Doll. I smiled slightly, most of them did to, but a couple look bored and grumpy.

I felt someone tug my arm. I look to my right to see Armin, he looked quite freaked out. The book he was holding was shaking.

"Eren? Why am I coming? I don't usually go out on the field, I work better behind the computers and monitors!" He whispered, Armin seemed to be really shaken up. My heart sank a bit, I didn't like seeing my friends uncomfortable.

"Armin, this will be different. The mansion has a Neodymium plating within the walls, which will create a large magnetic field, which will jam the systems! And anyway we need your quick thinking if things become dangerous!"

"B-but! What if I get in the way?" He looked down at his shaking book, and using his other hand steadied it.

I put my hand on his shoulder ad smiled, trying to assure him. "Don't worry you won't get in the way, you have all of us! We're like a family and your brain is far to precious!" I joked.

"Hey! Jaeger! Let's get moving before the sun sets!!" Annie yelled, others murmured in agreement and started moving, picking up weapons, bags or charms.

"Right! Let's move out!" I yelled, my hand took hold of my cross. I kissed it, the cool sliver touching my lips. I did it for luck. Walking towards and out the front door, the others following close behind. I looked down, expecting to see blood, but all that was there was a dark brown stain. Looking up at the clouding sky and I sighed. Hopefully this wasn't a trick, because I really want to continue with our main goal. If there is a Doll haunting that mansion then were in for a load of fun. Yay...

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