Chapter 19

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Where the earth reaches the sky, is where you will find the prize.

"Oh my god... Mikasa? Mikasa?! Mikasa?!?! Someone get their goddamn ass down here!!" I yelled, black spots danced in my vision.

"Eren!" Mikasa shouted, I could see her silhouette appearing on the floor. I turned my head to look at her, her grey eyes wide in terror. "What did this..?"

"What's going on in here?! Oh dear lord..." Krista appeared behind Mikasa, hands over her mouth, tears threatening to fall. Other came, Ymir, Connie, Reiner, Berthold, Annie, Sasha, Thomas. Each one was shocked at the sight.

"This is horrible! Who would do that?"

"I feel sick."

"What if-"

"Everyone calm down!" Mikasa yelled, everyone stopped and quieted down.

"Mikasa's right. W-we need to think straight." Krista quietly stated. My legs felt weak, yet I stood strong.

"Its has a meaning."


"Someone left this for us to find."

"Yeah, but who?"

"That's what we need to find out." I said, turning and walking into the corridor. The others made way from me and muttered to themselves about the horrors within the office.

Where the earth reaches the sky, is where you will find the prize.

How does the earth reach the sky? Many scenarios came to mind, many ideas and possibilities running through my head at hyper speed. My head drooped and I put my pen down on the white paper.

Meaning to write down ideas, none satisfied my needs. Could the killer be referring to mountains, hills, trees, buildings..?

I highly doubt the last one, each building here is about 3 stories. Not high enough to even reach the tree tops, let alone the sky.

No mountains are within this quiet town and rarely does a hill come into view, apart from the one the Inn rests upon.

Trees though are another story all together, Trost has been know to have forests after forests of gigantic trees. There is no doubting that that is what the killer meant.

I wrote down my ideas and soon I had filled the once plain page with scribbles and words. Throwing the pen On to the desk I tilted my head back and pinched the bridge if my nose.

"Eren..?" A soft voice, Mikasa's I presume, said from behind the closed door. A gently knock followed afterwards.

"Yeah? The doors open already." I sat up and turned my attention to the opening door. The nob jiggled slightly and the door was pushed open, raven hair poked around the door frame.

"Just wanted to check up on you. So, find anything?" She asked, edging more and more into the room. A warm glow cut across the darkness on the other side of the room.

I put a finger on my chin, thinking, then told her my idea on possible locations the killer could be at.

She nodded and came towards me, outing her hands on the chair she read over my shoulder.

I sat there in silence, waiting for her to finish. I turned the page so she could see the rest, as I turned it she tilted her head. Black strands of hair appeared in the corner of my vision.

"Sorry." She mumbled and moved the loose strands behind her ear. I heard shuffling and then I turned slightly, Mikasa had finished reading and stood by the door. "Maybe we could go and check some of them out?"

"Okay give me a second to change, don't tell anyone where we're going. I don't want them worry." I said, preparing to stand. Mikasa nodded and left, closing the door gently behind her. I stood and brushed down my trousers, erasing invisible dirt.

I was standing outside the girls room, under the window, waiting for Mikasa. The sound of light rain hit the panes above my head, aqua drops trickled off the window ledge and onto my hood.

I pulled the ebony sleeves over my knuckles when I heard the hinges creak slightly. I looked up, rain hitting my exposed cheeks, and saw Mikasa edging onto the window ledge.

She leapt onto the grass next to me, her metallic eye poked out from under her beanie. I nodded and she stood, bathed in moonlight we gradually walked further and further away from the Inn.

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