Chapter 20

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Oh my god, Chapter 20 already?! Thank  you so much for the views and the votes, they mean a lot. This book has over 1K reads so far! I am so happy, thank you all, now go a head and read on!

We currently stood on the outskirts of a forest. This was one heck of a forest, gigantic trees which looked like spears poking out from the earth.

The air was cold and the light of our torch, which we switched on after we left the town to prevent us from being spotted, bathed the vegetation in a golden glow. Mikasa trudged ahead, she stepped in the way of the torch and I broke into a little jog to keep up.

"You know this would have been easier to come back during the day-"

"I think it's better for just us to do it alone."

"-And with company, there's no fucking way we would be able I search all this-" I waved my arms about, jesting to the whole forest "-Alone."

"I understand what you're saying Eren, but the others need a break. Anyway were not searching all of it tonight. Think of it as scouting ahead, checking to make sure the coast is clear." She mentioned calmly as she stepped over a fallen tree.

"Right...." I said, dragging the word out. I follow in pursuit, stumbling as the toe of my boot got caught in a root. I regained posture, only to have Mikasa smirking at me.

"What? What's so funny?"

"N-nothing! It's just you looked really funny a second ago." She said, suppressing a laugh. It's been a while since I've seen her laugh, or come close to it, since my parents were killed she locked herself up emotionally. Mikasa only smiled or relax when around people she trusts with her life, or more pacifically, Armin and I.

"Did you find me nearly face-planting into the ground funny?"

"N-no...... Okay, yes, it was amusing to see you wave you arms about panicking..!" She chuckled, I smirked and lightly punched her arm. We used to do it when we were kids, I would gently hit her, she would hit me back harder and Armin would run away laughing when we tried to playfully punch him.

My joyful expression darkened when I realised the last part can't take place, it just didn't feel the same without Armin.

"Come on, we have work to do."

"Yeah, let's get going."


The forest was bigger than we expected, it seemed to swallow in the torch's glow and ourselves. The trees loomed above us, natures natural skyscrapers.

"Goddammit. I swear this place is messing with us." I muttered under my breath as we turned around the same boulder for the third time.

I zipped my hoodie up completely, my mouth covered by the black fabric. Using my freehand I moved a loose tree branch out if my face, Mikasa turned to look at me only for a short time period. I smiled weakly and let the branch go, once I had cleared the area and was no longer in the risk of getting smashed in the face by nature.

An hour had passed and the forest seemed darker, colder than before. Something was off, not sure what, but something is defiantly not right.

"I don't like this, not one bit." Mikasa said as a gust if cold air pushed through the leaves on the trees and bushes. Once the wind had died down, I noticed something. The bushes continued to shake, the sound of continuing to rustle.

"Shut up! They'll hear us!"

"Quiet! you're being too noisy." A voice violently hushed, seeming to be annoyed by the loudness of the previous one. Mikasa's pace slowed, I tugged at her sleeve. She looked at me then back to the bush, our eyes locked for what seems like forever.

Metallic meeting Emerald, her eyes told me a story her face would never show, she wants to storm over there and expose the owner of the voice. I on the other hand had a better idea, my emeralds soon convinced her to continue at her normal pace.

Since we figured the forest was messing with us, we rounded the corner and came to a familiar surrounding. Two large trees created a natural arch, the trunks were thick and were perfect for staying hidden. Especially with the lack of light.

Mikasa looked at me and I nodded. Though we were not born family,  we had this little connection, ever since I wrapped that scarf around her shivering form we had always known what the other one was thinking. As soon as we were had just walked in between the trees I suddenly switched the light, coating the once golden area ebony with darkness. We both turned and my back hit the tree bark gently, I looked over to see Mikasa in the same position.

The rustling sped up and dark figures emerged from the bushes. One by one they made their way in between the trees, I strained my eyes and saw her staring at me. I counted, using my fingers, when I reached three I lifted my hand up and clenched it into a fist.

We both ran forwards, using the trees to push of from. Mikasa and I landed on the figures, they shrieked and struggled underneath our grip.  I switched the torch on and shone the glow over them, they continued to struggled even when the light was on.

 "Wait is that-" I began, trailing off when realisation hit me.

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