Chapter 13

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I was sitting at a wooden desk in one of the Inn's rooms. The door was locked and the only sound was the commotion outside, it was muffled because of the walls between me and them.

In front of me I had a bowl of water, the tooth, some metal equipment, a magnifying glass and a clean pair of gloves which I'm currently putting on.

As I worked, cleaning the tooth until it sparkled, the long silence got on my nerves and I decided that I should listen to some music while I work. I looked around the desk, in the draws and in my pockets for my iPod and earphones.

I was not successfully in my hunt. So after a long five second debate whether or not it was worth to stand and look somewhere else, I came to the conclusion that they may be in my duffle bag.

After searching my bag and others I couldn't find them. Giving up on music I made my way back to the small room. When I opened the door the room seemed darker, colder than before. I noticed the window was open a crack and when I turned back to the desk something seemed different.

The tooth was missing.


"You should learn some fucking manners, brat." A voice said from the darkness. I turned my my attention to the figure in the shadows.


"Damn right."

"What are you doing here?!"

"What an interesting specimen you have, where did you find it?" Levi said, ignoring my previous question. Lifting his hand up towards the light I could see the tooth in between his thumb and forefinger.

"Answer my question first, dammit! Why do you care where I found it?"

"I became bored, my boss let me have the night off. Though I might come here, see how the brats doing."

"Okay now the next question, or is that to difficult for your brain to handle? And stop calling me brat!"

"It might belong to one of my, companions. Thought she may like to have it back."

"Wait a second. I know you're not human, but what are you? Do you have anything to do with the murders?!" I yelled at him. Suddenly he appeared next to me, gloved hand gripping my neck. Hard enough to create discomfit and prevent me from talking, but not hard enough to choke and kill me.

"Listen here brat. I think you should keep your voice down. I find it rude when people interrupt my conversations, don't you feel the same? You keep bringing up the same question 'Do you have anything to do with the murders?' Or 'What are you?' It's boring really. So I have decided to tell you what I am."

"R-really?" I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Levi's grip loosened and I was able to deepen my breathing. I felt something sharp being pressed into my neck, the area becoming slightly damp.

Using his other hand Levi handed me the tooth, it's tip red with fresh blood. My blood, I presume.

"I am creature that appears the most in mythology. There, that's all I'm saying. Now, Eren, I have a very simple task for you. Very simple. What you need to do is leave this place, your bloodline isn't wanted here. After all, your parent didn't heed my warning, did they? I don't need to carry on, you get the picture."

"My bloodline? What has that got to do with anything and did you say you knew my parents? Levi, you never answer my questions with a straight answer."

"Did I say that? Pathetic brat, didn't they tell you? Well if they didn't tell you it was probably for a good reason and the way I form my answers is my decision."

"What on earth are you talking about?! Answer my damn questions you midget!" I slipped the tooth into my pocket and tugged at Levi's hand. When it didn't budge I tried to kick him, elbowing him in the ribs. No luck.

There was a knock on the door, I stopped struggling."Say what I tell you too, ask who's there." Levi whispered, realising his grip.

"Can I help you? Who's there?"

"It's me, Reiner, I heard some shouting. Are you okay? I though you were alone in there."

My heart began to pound, quietly Levi leaned in and whispered "I am alone, I simply stabbed my toe against the desk. I'm fine, don't worry Reiner."

I repeated what Levi had said, changing the words to suit my personality. Reiner asked again how I was and if I needed anything, I said no and he left.

The tension in my body vanished and I relaxed. Levi walked towards the window, his strides were fast yet graceful. Lifting the window open with his gloved hands, a small breeze made his raven hair get in the way of his steel eyes.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Home. My times up brat, take care. Promise me Eren that you'll take my advice, leave this place and never return."


"Shut it brat. Just leave here or I'll have no choice, but to drag you away kicking and screaming." Levi slipped out into the night leaving me puzzled and yearning for the truth.

I looked back at the desk and considered to continue working, but I felt tired and my determination faded.

I put away all the equipment and pocked up the bowl of water, walking to the door I unlocked it and made my way to the kitchen. Dodging bodies and stepping over boxes or bags.

I cleaned the bowl and once it was clean I put it on the drying rack. When my hands were dry I went back to the room. Inside there was a small bookcase, I scanned the titles until I found one which would possibly would the knowledge I need.

I'm not a fan of books, never had been. Armin had persuaded me to pick up one, but I can never keep my attention on them long enough. I flipped open to a random page and began to read, occasionally flicking my eyes to the black and white pictures.

-the berries were then grounded down into a fine paste. The paste was then applied to the wound, usually causing a sudden pain which can treated by-

I kept turning the page until I found something that would satisfy me. It was about a creature which sucked the blood of mortals and lurked in the darkness. Feared by those who walk in the light, a supernatural being.

I instantly knew this is what Levi was, he matched the description well.

Levi's a Vampire.

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