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Like any other town in the middle of nowhere, Trost was quiet. Ok, almost quiet. You could blame our equipment and because Armin was being a human fact machien.

"Hey Armin? You know if you keep talking that loudly the Unknown will know we're here." I whispered sarcastically, he stopped and looked at me. I shifted the heavy bags higher up my shoulder.

"Sorry Eren, I was going over the information one more time." He smiled awkwardly and went back to his notebook, this time talking more quietly. I nodded and turned back towards the cobbled street. The houses were dark, seeming empty and dead. They looked creepy apart from the colourful flower boxes spilling out tulips and some other flower I have no clue about.

The road started to become steep, for some reason the place we're staying is on a hill. A steep one. I could feel something watching us, it's out there. I stopped and looked over in between two houses. Yellow eyes stared back, unblinking. Silently, it creeped backwards, eyes stayed on me. I lowered the bags slowly and took out a small flask. It's eyes vanished and I started into a sprint, ignore my shocked teammates behind me.

I scrambled over a crate, the Unknown was fast. The wind blew, exposed pipes shuddered. I picked up the pace, a plant pot fell where I had just been a second ago.

I slowed down, it had cornered itself. Baring it's bloody teeth, claws digging into the cobbled floor. Judging by its small body, it's must be a Bloodhound. It must have been attracted to the recent bloody murders. It couldn't have done them, they feed on left over corpses. Not brave enough to kill a human five times it's size.

I raised my arm in a defensive way, just in case it attacked. In a quick motion I smashed the flask to the ground, a dark purple smoke escaped from the cracked glass.

A bone shattering howl came from the Bloodhound, I put my hands over my ears. It's fur burned and withered away. Yellow eyes trained on me as the smoke burned through its body, leaving a pool of black slime, which soon evaporated leaving a horrid smell.

I fell on my knees and puked up my lunch, no matter how many times I do it, the smell still makes me sick. Shakily I got up and went back to the others. They hadn't left me, which was a good thing. My adopted sister, Mikasa, came casually walking to me. She held out a plastic cup of water, I downed it and shivered. The taste of sick still filled my mouth.

"Let's keep moving, sorry for the interruption-" I hiccuped "- The inn should be up this road." I said motioning to an old building ahead. Picking up the bags which I dumped earlier I started walking. Nodding, everyone else got themselves ready and we set off. Once again the town of Trost was quiet.

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