Chapter 14

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It makes sense I guess, the fact that he's a vampire. All the piece add up, but how come I didn't notice it sooner? The answer was in my face the whole damn time.

I slipped the book back into its place in the bookshelf. Running my fingers through my hair, sighing I unlocked the door and stepped out into the hall.

The commotion had died down as people started to go to sleep. I, on the other hand, had something I need to take care off. Levi said that the tooth belonged to one of his companions and I think that Petra girl might be it. Of course I can't forget Hanji, she could easily be involved.

The tooth seemed more like a fang than a tooth, a fang from a vampire. It's rare to come in contact with a vampire, they prefer to stay hidden and isolated. To actually have an item from one is even rarer, especially a fang.

I grabbed a hoodie and slipped it on, pulling the hood up to hide my face. As soon as I stepped over the threshold I was greeted by an icy wind.

The temperature had dropped over the last couple of days, frost has been seen glazing the grass in the morning and more clouds filled the greying sky.

I didn't know where I was going I just had to walk, had to move. I stuck my hands into my pockets and shivered, looking down at the moon lite pavement.

"I told you to stay quite!" A voice from afar whispered hastily, possibly angry or annoyed.

"It happened again, sorry, anyway why did you drag me here?" A muffled male voice replied, I hide inside an alley. I had nothing better to do than eavesdrop on peoples conversations.

"This is where they're staying. I saw one of them a day or two ago."

"So who cares if The Corps has pitched up? They haven't been here that long, we should check it out another time." The man yawned.

"For gods sake! Have you been that blind?! They've been here for over a month, even exterminated that thing in the Mansion over there."

"Uh huh, so that's why it was so quiet. Anyway, why do you care if they kill that damn thing?"

"I don't! Something about the one I saw seemed off."

"Who fucking cares?!"

"I do! I think we should investigate more, I'm curious."

"Well I'm not. You can do that yourself, you know how he gets when we don't follow his orders."

"Oluo, you will listen to me. He won't find out, unless you cooperate. Do you know why he hired us? Tell me!" The feminine voice spat viciously.

"Ugh. He wants us to find this certain blood type because it's the only one he will drink. There? I really don't have time for this."

"No, Oluo, you will make time for this."

"You're just angry that you lost your tooth and Levi doesn't seem to pay you enough fucking attention anymore?! Answer me Petra."

"You may be right, but from now on. I'll be the on to ask the questions." I froze, that name, that voice. How come I never realised, god, my instincts have dulled majorly. My breathing became fast and ridged.

I knew that girl seemed strange when I first saw her! After hearing her conversation I think that fang might be hers, meaning she's a vampire too.

"Quiet. Can you hear that?"

"Yeah, seems as though it's coming from the Inn's door." The male voice, Oluo, said. I didn't risk poking my head around the corner to see who, I didn't want to risk it.

"Oh I see, should we? He is alone, looks lost and confused too."

"Let's wait 'til he gets a little closer, don't want to make a scene."

"Oluo there's no one here"

"True." The curiosity bubbling inside of me became to much and I shuffled into a position where I can see who ever their talking about.

It was Armin.

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