Chapter 7

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"Never said I was one brat."

My blood ran cold, my pulse racing. Hanji playfully punched Levi on the shoulder and laughed akwardly

"Ha ha ha... Levi you joker! You!" Hanji giggled akwardly and gently punched his shoulder. Levi turned his steel eyes towards her. Hanji stepped back, holding her hands up in the air.

"Firstly, don't touch me with your filthy hands. Secondly, the brat already had a hunch that we weren't human. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"N-no, your right. Now what are you going to do with me...?"I asked.

"Nothing. If I wanted you dead I would have left you to rot." Hanji walked over to me, bent down and whispered into my ear:

"I'm sure he cares on the inside!" Hanji whispered, she ducked her head suddenly as a rolled up newspaper was thrown her way. As she ducted the newspapers hit me instead.

I yelped as the newspaper hit my shoulder. Levi sighed and got up, pushing Hanji out of his way. He sat on the edge of the sofa I was on and picked up the newspaper and put gave it to Hanji. He unraveled my bandages and looked at my shoulder wound.

"Your stitches have come undone. Hanji pass me the darn needle and a pair of gloves."

"Sure." She got up, put the newspaper down and gathered the things Levi asked for. Handing the gloves to Levi and placing a needle and thread on the small table. Levi put the gloves on and prepared the needle, dipping it in antibacterial lotion.

"Now brat, stay still. I don't want to make a mess, if you want you can squeeze Hanji's hand if the pain becomes to much."

"Yeah, ok." I took hold of Hanji's hand and gritted my teeth. Bracing for the pain. I felt the tip of the needle sink into my sensitive flesh. I squeezed Hanji's hand harder, I could feel the thread going through my skin and the pain was completely horrible.

Levi looked up at me his grey eyes softened, he picked up a tissue and dipped the tip into a liquid. Smearing the substance over my wound.

"Oh god! Shit!" I yelled, my back arching slightly in the sudden stinging sensation. I squeezed Hanji's hand as hard as I could, tears falling down my cheeks.

"There, done. Try not to swear brat." Levi said, putting away all the equipment. He took off his blood covered gloves and looked at them for a long time. Shaking his head he threw then into a bin on the other side of the room, I let go of Hanji's hand and she stood up.

"What the hell did you put on me?!" I said through gritted teeth. I could see my reflection in Levi's eyes, my shaking body.

"A little medicine Hanji whipped up."

"What was in it? It stings as hell!" I muttered, Levi looked over at Hanji and she smiled wickedly.

"The real question is Eren, do you want to know?" Hanji said, moving her glasses higher up her nose. Levi put his hand into his trouser pocket and look out a circular, metal object. Clicking a button on the side, the lid came off and Levi examined the inside. He moved his hand into an angle so that I was able to see. It was a pocket watch, he closed the lid and slipped it back into his pocket.

"Shitty-glasses, it's time to go. Erwin will be wondering where we were and we have to shower. If he smells the boys scent then he maybe able to track us here."

"Your right. Sorry Eren! Duty calls!" She said laughing. She walked towards and through the door which she entered the room. I could hear the sound of her feet on the stairs.

Levi walked over to me and looked down at me. He clicked his tongue and folded his arms. "Now brat, you are to stay here or else I'll sense that your gone and hunt you down and kill you. Got it?"

"Yeah, load and clear." I spat at him. Levi walked away towards the same door Hanji went through.

He stopped before he went completely through the door frame, he said "Good."
And with that he left.

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