Chapter 6

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"Mikasa! Eren! Dinners ready!" My mother called, Mikasa and I came running into the kitchen giggling. We had been drawing and made a beautiful picture of all of us: My mother, father, Mikasa and myself.

We put it on the kitchen table and sat in our seats. My mother smiled and laid out two dishes of salad and ham. I grabbed my fork and shoved a mouth full of lettuce, munching away. Mikasa giggled and ate a bit of ham while my mother got a tissue and wiped my mouth.

I heard the front door slam shut and my father yell "Carla! Their coming! Get the kids to safety! Hurry!!" My mother dropped the plate she was drying, it shattered into tiny pieces, and ran to us, grabbing our wrists tightly she pulled us upstairs towards the attic.

Making us climb the ladder, tears in her eyes. Taking the cross from around her neck she hung it round mine. Closing the door, blowing us kisses she said. "Eren, Mikasa I love you both dearly. Protect each other. Don't answer the door to anyone, understand?!" We nodded and the door shut, leaving us in darkness.

We huddled together, being young we had no clue about what was happening downstairs. Muffled screams and things being thrown, smashing against furniture or walls. Then there was silence.

Complete Silence.

Tears flooded down my cheeks, Mikasa put her arms round me. I could hear heavy footsteps underneath the trap door. Mikasa and I held out breath, something scraped the wood, the sound of nails. I clutched Mikasa's hand tighter, my pulse beginning to race.

Mikasa let me go and walked over to a cardboard box, she started to push it over the trapdoor. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. "Eren! Help me please!" Mikasa said, I got up and helped her push the box over the trapdoor.

The box moved as something hit underneath it, pale fingers trying to pry the door open. I picked up a nearby pole, one that you would find in a wardrobe. I slammed the pole on the fingers earning the sound of a snarl coming from the creature. Blue eyes looked through the crack and with a growl pushed the trapdoor back, the box went flying and crashed into the wall.

The creature, in the shape of a man, stood before us. Mikasa stood behind me and gently tugged at my shirt, almost as if she was telling me to take a step back. I took a step back and raised the pole higher, ready to fight back and protect my sister.

I will never get those eyes, that face out of my head. The man, at least it looked like a man, will haunt my nightmares and dreams for the rest of my life. It snarled and launched itself at me, then everything went black.

I sat up screaming at the top of my lungs. I winced and saw my chest covered in bandages, my shirt was neatly folded on a table in the corner of the room. A wooden door was flung open and a woman with brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. She ran to me and put her hand on my forehead.

"Are you ok?! Do you feel pain? If so what's it like? Can you describe it or is it so painful tha-"

"Shut up shitty-glasses, the kids been though enough." A voice I recognize. I sat up wincing at the pain I looked over to see Levi, I think that was his name. He looked down at me, grey eyes stared into my green ones.

"What was the screaming about anyway, brat?" Levi said, folding his arms. He was wearing something different from before instead of all black he was wearing a white shirt, a cravat, black trousers, polished black shoes and an emotionless expression.

"Nothing, just a nightmare." I tried shrugging, but it failed as a wave of pain shot through my arm and shoulder.

"Now, Eren, let's get these bandages changed! Levi grab the clean bandages from over there along with a glass of water and the lotion!" The woman said, she moved her glasses higher up her nose. Grinning at me like a mad man.

"How do you know my name..?"

"Oh, Levi told me. Please forgive me for not introducing myself earlier! I'm Hanji Zoë!" She smiled and took off the dirty bandages off my chest, I wince at the sharp pain. I looked down at my shoulder, there was a bite mark which had been stitched up neatly. A small amount of puss dribbled out of a little hole.

I looked away, hoping to keep down any food that is left in my stomach. I felt something gently brush across my skin, a tissue I think. A cold lotion was applied to my swollen skin and soon a clean bandage. I sighed in relief and I slouched back into the pillows, being careful of my wounds.

"Levi? Could you make Eren something to eat? Something different from, you know..." Hanji said wiping her hands on a white towel, staining it red with my blood.

"Different from what?"

"Levi and I have a, sort of different diet."

"Oh, okay sorry." I said, Levi walked in carrying a plate with a sandwich on. He placed it on my legs and folded his arms across his chest staring at me.

"Eat." He said bluntly, I picked up the sandwich and took a bite. It tasted like cardboard, but I ate it anyway. Even licked my fingers to show my appreciation. Levi looked disgusted and muttered under his breath "Petty humans..."

"What was that?" I asked him, he picked up the plate and walked away muttering to himself. I looked at my hands and then realized. Mikasa.

"Hanji! Do you have a phone I can borrow? I need to call my sister!"

"Sorry Eren, we don't have a phone. Our boss could find us easier an-"

"Shut up shitty-glasses. Say anymore and we'll have to kill him." Levi said with a calm tone as if killing me was no big task. He sat on a wooden chair and picked up a newspaper, flicking to a random page in it.

"Levi... Why did you give me that paper about the Doll?"

He chuckled softly, then became cold again. "Because people thought it would be nice to waltz in there and get killed. There isn't many people in this town and the more that thing kills the less we would have to feed on."

"Wait, feed on? Does that make you...." I started to piece my toughts together. The murders, the blood smeared across Levi's face, everything finally makes sense. "Your not human, are you?"

"Never said I was one brat."

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