Chapter 9

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I climbed over a log, my jacket getting caught in the holly bushes nearby. After Levi left I ran into the woods, the whole area was surrounded by thick vegetation.

There was no road, no path nothing man-made apart from the house itself. My boots sank into the mud as I ran, dodging trees, bushes, roots and rocks. I stopped to catch my breath, hands on my knees.

My forehead was damp with sweat as the air got warmer the deeper I went. I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist. I stole a glance at my arm and shoulder, the bandages and my shirt were a dark red. I felt light headed and dizzy, but kept going.

"Eren? Eren where are you?" I heard voice yell. I turned my head frantically, scanning the trees looking for the owner of the voice.


I could see her in between some trees, her red scarf fluttering in the breeze. She yelled my name again looking around, but not seeing me.

I started to run towards her, a smile on my face. I slipped on a patch of wet leaves, but then regain balance. Nothing will stop me from seeing my sister. Nothing.

"Mikasa! Mikasa! I'm over here!!" I waved my arms in the air above my head, ignoring the pain shooting through my body. She continued looking around then her eyes met mine. She smiled and waved back.

Stepping over some tree roots and moving branches out of my way.


Come over here, yes this way. I need you Eren, please, I missed you. My dear brother."

She smiled at me, her lips unmoving. Reaching her hand out towards me, waiting for me to grasp it. I stopped, several feet in front if her.

Something didn't feel right. Mikasa's hair seemed longer, her smile seemed fake. The voice that I heard seemed odd, different.

"Eren, I'm glad I found you! We all have been missing you, Armin and Jean couldn't stop crying!"


Jean crying over me? More likely he was throwing a secret party without Mikasa knowing.

"Who are you?" I asked her, this wasn't my sister. When she spoke her words were created out of lies and the tone of voice was to warm and soft. Inviting to those who couldn't tell the difference between this thing and my sister.

"What are you talking about? It's me! Mikasa, your sister." She said, a weak smile on her face. I smiled too, a plan coming in my mind.

"How has mother been? Is she worried about me?" I had to bite back the tears. The Mikasa smiled and said:

"Don't worry Eren! She's been fine, upset, but getting along ver-"

I cut her off, literary. My dagger was half way through her neck, a dark green puss oozed out of the hole. I kept pushing my blade deeper in, until I decapitated it. The creatures head feel to the ground with a thud, staining the area with its puss and blood.

A hand grabbed me, scaly and sharp. It's claws dug into my shoulder, I screamed and turned to see what was an image of Mikasa turn into a scaly green beast.

It's neck steamed and dripped with puss and green blood and I stabbed at it,




Until it had holes all over its body. The sight was disgusting, I felt my body trying to puke. I kept it down, not wanting to lower my guard. The creature advanced towards me, claws outstretched, tail swinging behind it.

My vision was blurry, I felt tired and weak. The pain I once felt in my shoulder had vanished leaving a numb sensation. It was almost towards me, I could smell it's blood which now covered it in a sticky slime.

The last thing I expected to see was an arrow whizzing through the air and landing in its shoulder. Where it hit the skin, could you call it skin? Anyway, the skin bubbled and melted away. More arrows showered down from the sky, I hid under a tree, arm up just in case I could get hit.

When they hit the creature the place they hit bubbled and melted away. Soon there was just a load of arrow as on the ground in a pool of slime. The smell made me feel faint, I slouched against the tree trunk and closed my eyes.

Breathing slowly, just a short nap. Yeah, just a short nap... I felt my body go limp and I fell into a deep slumber.

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