Chapter 28

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"Where's Marco..?"

No one replied, they looked at each other with caution. I repeated myself, louder this time, a horrible feeling of dread deep inside my stomach.

"Eren, Marco's dead..." Sasha trailed off, looking at the ground, the air felt heavy and seemed to suffocate us.

"What....? How...?" I couldn't think straight, how could he have died? I don't understand, not at all.

"Listen one of you tell him, I'm not sitting around for Eren's bloody story time, if you need me I'll be down the hall." Jean spat, getting up and storming away from us, heavy breathing and foots steps where the only thing to remind us of his existence because the ominous darkness seemed to swallow him whole.

We a remained silent, a heavy dread falling upon our shoulders as we listened to Jean's footsteps quiet until they stopped, the sound of clothing sliding against stones was faint with in the silence.

"I-I didn't know...." I turned to look at the others who seemed gloomy, they all sent glances to one another which clearly showed what they were thinking.

Who's going to tell him?

Who's going to tell me....?

A sigh of defeat and completely devastation slipped through my lips, my hand running through my brown hair, ruffling up the messy strands.

"Look, forget it alright? I understand I don't need to know... Right now the others could be in danger and we're here wasting time... Let's get our asses going...!" I tried to smile, to lift their down hearted spirits yet only got small mutters and nods in reply.

My heart felt like it was in my throat, pulsing quickly while suffocating me, the ability to form understandable words vanishing slowly as my eyes dulled at the loss.

"I'll avenge you... I promise... I just need time..." I mumbled softly as I clutched my back, glancing around the tunnel before calling out to our horse.

Jean trotted into the light from the inky darkness, eyes bloodshot and puffy indications tears but none of us mentioned it.

He grabbed his own bag with a vicious force, clutching t for dear life and he avoided all eyes as he spoke with a voice croaky slightly from heartbroken sobs. "Eren's right, let's get going, we got a goddamn friend to save."

And so, we did, heading into the darkness and into the unknown.

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