Chapter 15

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"Hey! Eren? Where did you go?" Armin yelled getting closer towards the hidden couple.

Turn around! It's dangerous!

"Ere-" Armin's eyes were wide in panic and fear, a pale hand was wrapped around his mouth preventing him from speaking.

"Quiet! I don't want to hear another sound come out of your mouth!" Petra whispered loudly. Armin's forehead was glistened with sweat.

I got onto my feet, hand clasped around the cold metal of the cross with dangled down my neck. I inhaled the cold air, my eyes almost closed, trying to think of a solution.

I shook my head dismissing a thought which arose, my eyes opened and I saw Armin being dragged away with ease. My hands were clenched into fists and I broke into a sprint.

"When we-" I cut Oluo off as I hit him in the jaw, a satisfying crack his eyes full of confusion an shock. I proceed to hit him again, but he moved out off reach.

"What the fuck?! How the hell did this human sneak up on us?! I didn't sense him at all, Oluo stop getting in the way! We have to leave."

"Let Armin go!" I growled, ready to attack Petra. I stuffed my hand into my hoodie pocket, looking for something stronger than my fists. Unfortunately all I found was a gum wrapper and an old pocket knife.

I took the pocket knife out and lunged trying to stab her, Petra let go of Armin and he stubbled into Oluo's grip.

Petra gracefully side stepped my mood and pushed me to the ground, her red hair flying around her pale face.

I grunted when my face hit the pavement, I looked up at them a thin trail of blood dripping out of my nose.

"Eren he-" Armin gasped as Oluo's grip loosened enough for him to breath. I got to my feet and lunged again. Petra giggled, grabbed my wrist and threw me back onto the ground.

Petra looked down at me, a look of annoyance plastered onto her face. "Let's go Oluo, this kid isn't worth our trouble."

"Guess you're right, let's take this brat."

"God, Oluo, stop mimicking Levi. It's weird." Petra said, walking past Oluo who was busy holding a struggling Armin.

"Wait, did you say Levi?" I groaned as I shakily got to my feet. I wiped the blood from my face and gripped the pocket knife tighter.

"Why do you care if I did?"

"Well, if you see him, tell him I need to speak to him," I said, a small smile crept onto my bloody lips. They said they couldn't sense me so in this situation I have the element of surprise.

They turned to leave, Armin's eyes were full of tears and disappointment. I don't intend to leave my best friend, but I can't get to him just yet.

I watched them walk away, the moonlight making them seem unreal and foreign compared to the dark landscape. I got into a running position and sunk the knife into Oluo's side, he turned and let out a yelp, the sound was more in surprise and anger rather than pain. Pale blood stuck to the knife as it was pulled out of flesh, the old blade was bent and now useless.

"Ah! How dare you! You little bitch!"

"Oluo! Stay calm! I have a knew idea, pass me the blonde." Petra said, taking Armin from Oluo. Armin's body was limp, I presume he panicked and blacked out.

Oluo's eyes twitched and he flicked his wrist and I flew onto the pavement, the pocket knife thrown out of reach. I grunted as I felt the stitches pull against my skin.

A low growl came from deep in the back of his throat, his small hazel eyes turning black with rage

"Don't take him away!"

"Listen, you're lucky we're not killing you, but we won't be so nice next time." Petra's eyes turned a vibrant orange, a smile danced on her pink lips. "Let's play a game, since 'we' have the time. If you catch us we'll give your friend back, if you fail we'll kill him...

...and the rest of your friends"

I grinned, I could do this, I will do this. I know I was injured a few time, but if I don't try I can't win.

"Hm, you seem to accept. On the count of three. One!" Petra and Oluo vanished, my eyes widened. No, I didn't agree! They left before three, that's fucking cheating!!

I gritted my teeth and ran down the streets, looking in windows and down alleys as I go. "Armin!!" I yelled, panic started to set in. I cursed at myself for not calling for back up or saving Armin sooner.

My eyes were darting everywhere trying to find him, see a glimpse of them. I turned a corner, running down another street, my feet hitting the cobbles.

Two figures stood in the middle of the small road, Petra waved at me. I sprinted towards them, not wanting to lose them. As I got within a couple of metres they vanished, a dust cloud rising from the ground.

The only sound was my ragged breathing and Petra's voice being carried along the wind. "This game was fun, but it seems as though our times up. I would keep your eyes open, kid."

I fell to my knees, my palms grazing the floor. I failed, I fucking failed... I lifted my head up, tear stained cheeks towards the sky. "I swear to god, Armin, I will find you."

My anger boiled up inside of me and I stayed where I was, I could face the others. I needed to calm down and get my shit together. I listened to the wind and gritted my teeth.

"I promise I will save you..."

A/N -

Hello my little readers! First of all, thank you so much for all the reads so far and the votes I really appreciate it!

Secondly, I was wondering should I do other peoples POV's? Such as Mikasa, Levi, Armin and some others? If so please comment!

I hope you enjoy the book so far! Thanks for reading this boring A/N!

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