Chapter 21

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"Wait is that-" I began, trailing off when realisation hit me.


I looked down at the struggling bodies beneath us, I sent a glance to Mikasa and we both clambered off of them. When they realised they were no longer being crushed they got up, a look of surprise of there faces along with guilty grins.

"Now I want answers. Sasha, Connie why the hell were you following us?!" Mikasa shouted, her voice slicing through the almost silent night.

The brunette was the first to speak out of the duo. Connie had both hands over his mouth preventing the sound of laughter from escaping, but we all could see his shoulder shaking from the laughter he's trying to contain.

"Well... First, it wasn't just us! Secondly-"

"Wait, there are more of you?!"

"I was coming to that, don't butt in Eren. Okay. Secondly, we heard you guys and followed, kinda...."

"Kinda. Anyway, who else is with you?" I asked, eyeing the duo, Connie had calmed down and was smirking like he was high on sugar or some shit. Sasha turned around and pointed to a large bush, then shouting with her hands cupped around her mouth.

"GUYS! OPERATION SPYING POTATO IS A FAIL!!!!!!!!!!" The sound of groaning in both disappointment and embarrassment erupted from the bush. A group of five people emerged, leaves and dirt stuck in hair and clothing. I scanned the faces and saw: Marco, Jean, Krista, Ymir and Reiner.

"Sheesh.... You don't have to shout..." Jean said, pulling a twig out of his two toned hair. Sasha smiled and then clapped hands together, turning towards us.

"Sooooooo..... Why were you guys sneaking into a forest at night, alone?" She asked, curiosity burned in her eyes like a light flame refusing to be put out. Which, for Sasha, isn't a good thing.


We all were trekking through the thick vegetation, after Mikasa and I had explained our situation to the others in a greater detail. I still felt uneasy, the feeling of eyes watching me from the shadows followed me. I couldn't shake the feeling, I've tried everything, I didn't tell anyone though. Its my problem and my psychological mind fuck. I stopped in my tracks, Jean bumping into me from behind.

"Oi! Jaeger! Why the hell did you just stop?!"

"We're being followed, I'm sure of it."

"Jaeger what the fu-"

"Shut it Jean. There are no more of you guys are there....?"

"No.. There isn't, anyway its probably just you feeling weird or some shit."

"I'm feeling it too..." Mikasa said, turning to face us, her facial features sharpened within the dim light of the torches beam which Sasha got hold of. Jean scratched the nape of his neck, considering something.

"Actually, now that you mention it...."

"Oh, come on! You have got to be kidding me? As soon as Mikasa says something you suddenly change your mind!" I say raising my hands in the air, Mikasa seemed unfazed by this news.

Jean on the other hand seemed embarrassed and rather angry by my statement, his hands balled into tight fists. "You wanna fight Jaeger?!"

"There will be no fighting here." We all froze, our blood ran cold. I twisted my head around trying to find the voice's origin. Then I realised something, I have heard this voice before.

"Levi. Why the hell are you following us?" I said to the trees, a low chuckling followed soon after.

"This is my boss's domain, I have permission to be on his territory, but you don't"

"So, what are you going to do about it..?" I said, a figure within the shadows strode along a think branch and then leapt landing on the pine covered floor. He looked relatively the same, same outfit, same hair style and the same bored expression.

"I'm not going to do anything. Actually, we're here to help." He said, tugging at the ends of his gloves. Narrowing his eyes he shot a long glanced at the neighbouring tree. "Get your ass down here."

"Yahoo!" A feminine voice yelled, Hanji dropped down from the tree. Adjusting her glasses she grinned, her eyes full of joy. "Well, Hey Eren! Good to see you again! How's that shoulder doin'?"

My friends seemed star struck at Hanji's friendliness and my knowledge of Levi and Hanji. Mikasa, though, looked as of she was about to explode with anger. Levi noticed this and walked over to her, looking up he then folded his arms across his chest.

"I kept my promise, didn't I? He's alive and well, there's no need for such hostility."

"I have my own reasons for being hostile, Levi." She spat at him, Levi raised an thin eyebrow and the turned to the rest of us.

His gaze lingered on me the longest, I looked away feeling uneasy. "Now, I know why you all are here. Frankly, I don't really care. Now, follow me you brats, I'll show you to your little friend."

"Hold on a second, you know where Armin is?! Why the hell didn't you tell us this right away?!" Jean screeched, the area went silent, people seeming to consider this idea.

"Jean shut the fuck up! He didn't do anything, he wasn't even there! It was Petra and Oluo who did it."

"Why the fuck are you defending him?! He could have saved him!"

"Well, if you don't shut the fuck up we won't be able to save Armin!!!" My vision was tainted red, anger and sadness pulsing through my veins.

"Now you brats, we don't have time for this. Be quiet and follow me or I'll have to shut you up, permanently." Levi said, stepping between up. He shot death glares at us both, Jean seemed to cower underneath his steel glaze. I would be a lier to say I didn't either.

We all quieted down and trudged through the forest, Levi leading us. Mikasa stayed by me every step of the way, glancing at me to make sure I'm safe.

We eventually reached a large cave, the inside was as dark as the ominous night. "This is as far as I can go. Down there are 3 hallways, each one leads to a different section of the labyrinth."

"Labyrinth...? You have got to be kidding me..."

"Well I'm not, I don't know which way is right. It's dangerous, stick together, trust me on that fact." Levi said as he and Hanji walked away. We all had our eyes glued to the cave, jagged rocks picking out from the ground.

"Good luck!" Hanji yelled waving at us, dragging the word out longer than necessary. Then they were gone, completely vanished.

One at a time we edged inside, the darkness swallowing us whole. The only sound was our steady breathing, synchronised in a gently rhythm. The soft, golden low of three lights appeared in my vision, three large hallways and a question with out an answer.

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