Chapter 5

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.Mikasa's POV.

The house collapsed and blocked my path towards Eren. I could hear his muffled screams, actually that was nearly all I could hear. I ran towards the pile of rubble and wood, scraping at it with my hands trying to get it. My eyes full of tears, my heart shattered once again.

"Mikasa!" I could hear someone shouting my name, but nothing will stop me from getting to Eren. Nothing.

"Mikasa, stop, there's nothing we can do. Either the explosion or the Doll would have killed him, but the Doll would have died along with it." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Annie. Dirt and dust smeared across her face, she held a water bottle and motioned me to take it.

"I don't want it Annie. If you truly want to make me happy get on your damn knees and help me dig for Eren! I can still hear him, we can save him! Please!"

"But Mikasa, the whole areas slitent. We're all listening to the sound of you digging. Stop, we have to go. Eren is dead." Annie said, coldly. I stood up and pushed her away from me, anger pulsing through my veins.

"Well I am never stopping. I swore to his mother I would protect him with my life!"

"So is that what you were going to do? Throw your life away for a dead boy?!"

"Don't yo-" I was cut off by the sound of someone chuckling.

"My my. Isn't this interesting, you want the boy under all this crap then? Yes, no?" A man in all black stood above the pile holding a torch. The light from the bulb illuminated even the smallest details of his face. Grey eyes, pale skin, sharp jaw lines and lips turned in the slightest smirk.

"You, the one with the black hair. Yes you, catch." He through the torch at me, I caught it clumsily and shined the light on him.

"Who are you?"

"My name isn't important, but if you want the brat underneath all this stuff your going to have to help me lift it."

I gritted my teeth and passed the torch to Annie. I walked over towards the man who was currently examining the pile. Picking up a slab of copper from the top he threw it to the side, underneath was a large wooden beam.

"Now, you hold one end and I'll hold the other. Once that is gone the rest will be easy to move. Ready?" I held on to the beam, nodding that I was ready. The man did the same and we were able to slowly move it to the side. A small hole was visible an I stood on my tip toes to be able to see through, only it was to dark for my eyes.

"Leave, clean yourself up. I'll take it from here. Go!" I didn't like the idea, but I grabbed the torch from Annie and stormed of down the hall. When I reached the stairs, parts were missing so I leaped over holes and went round piles of collapsed roof. Once I reached the bottom Annie had joined me and we made our way towards the front door.

Everyone was outside, a tent was set up and cries were coming from it. Probably from Jean, Krista must be treating his injurys. I walked over to Armin, he looked up at me his blue eyes tearing up.

"Mikasa..... Im sorry..." he embraced me into a hug and I held him weakly. I felt numb and empty. Armin let go, staring over my shoulder, eyes wide open.

"Eren!" I turned to see the man in black walking towards up holding Eren in his arms. The other stopped to watch him approach me, I brought a hand to his cold cheek.

"He's alive, barely though. I know a medic who can treat his wounds. Give him to me and I'll send him back fully recovered."


"Tch. Listen, I don't want to take a bloody brat to my home and nurse him to health. Only I shall do so if you let me. So what will it be, want the boy dead or alive?"

"Alive. Bring him back please, I beg you." The man seemed satisfied with the answer and turned to leave, soon he was out of sight. Vanished into the darkness.

I brought my scarf to my mouth and breathed in the homey smells trapped within the fabric.

"Let's go Mikasa. I hear Marcos making sandwiches." Armin took my hand and slowly lead me to the others. I relaxed a bit and glanced behind me. Nothing.

Please be alive Eren. Hold on.

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