Chapter 17

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.Levi's POV.

I walked down the dark corridor, each individual brick was illuminated by candle light. The sound of water dripping caught my attention, but I discarded it when I heard the sound of a body being dragged slowly.

I stopped and folded my arms across my chest, tapping my foot to the rhythm of the dripping.

"-do you think he'll notice?"

"The fact that you're dragging a unconscious boy or that your making a mess?"


"Yeah he'll notice." A voice said from afar, I cleared my throat and the dragging stopped. Tch, they honestly think I can't hear them? Pathetic.

"Of course I'll notice considering you're making such a racket. Now I want answers or someone will have to clean the whole labyrinth."

"Oh, god, um. Well Levi, we had a little trouble hunting and we met this boy that-" Oluo ranted on and on about what happened, my eyes flickered to the twitching body of the blond boy. A patch stitched into his brown jacket, wings of freedom, I presume.

"So you thought it would be smart to leave him alive? Or not to take him instead? Tch, you're all are completely useless. I'll explain this to Erwin, meanwhile take him to the dungeons and start cleaning the Labyrinth."

"Yes sir!" They said, Petra came 'bouncing' towards me, eyes ablazed. I narrowed my eyes at her and turned so that my back faced her.

"Don't screw it up, Oluo. Petra when you're finished, come find me we have something discuss. " The dragging began again this time in the opposite direction.

Within seconds I was knocking on Erwin's door, I grimaced when my white gloves turned grey due to dust. Disgusting.

"Enter." A deep voice called from inside the room, I turned the bronze handle and stepped inside. "Rivaille, what do you want? I have work to do."

"Erwin, I have a reason to believe that a human may have seen us hunting."

"A human? Rivaille, you would never let a thing like that happen." Erwin said standing, towering over me. My muscles tensed slightly, I glared at him.

"Never said it was me, two brats did it."


"Oluo and Petra, I came to ask what you would like me to do in this situation."

"Easy, kill the human. We can't have anyone with knowledge on us, right, Rivaille?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you know anything about them?" Erwin walked towards to the old bookcase, hidden within the corner of the dark room.

I put my hands behind my back, grey eyes watching Erwin run his fingers on the spines of the old, leather books.


"The human."

"A little, but one things for certain it that they're from The Corps." I muttered, Erwin stopped and chuckled. "Tch, what's so funny?"

"Nothing at all, something doesn't smell right. They brought one here didn't they."

"I'm afraid so, Erwin, do you think we should kill him?"

"No, keep him alive for now, I have an idea. Leave me be, Rivaille, I have work to do."

"Tch, not even a thank you? May I just add the fact that you should tidy this room of yours, it's filthy." I spat, Erwin raised an eyebrow as I stormed out of the room.

Petra was standing with her arms by her side, red hair illuminated by the candle light. Her eyes brightened when she saw me, I didn't bat an eyelash at her when she smiled at me.

"Explain now, I want every detail, Oluo missed out stuff didn't he." I said, as we started to walk towards the main hall. Petra described the boy as best as she could, then she said something which put me off guard.

"He said he wanted to speak to you Levi, judging by the smile on his face he knows you."

"Is that so?"

She nodded and continued "Levi, do you know him? I mean you've been busier over the last couple of weeks."

"Honesty, I do know him."


"Let me finish you brat! Earlier you said something felt different about him, I sensed that too. I am doing my job, I am doing this because I have too."

"Does Erwin know?"

"No. Is there a problem with that?" I spat, running my finger along the brick wall. Watching the grey fabric turn brown and black with filth. Petra gulped and shook her head, casting her eyes towards the floor. "I want you to re-clean the walls while I'm out, got it?"

We arrived at the main hall, I waved Petra away and turned the bronze door nob and stepped outside. The door locked behind me, gears turning into place.

The bushes moved as a body moved, hidden with in. I continued walking and the rustling followed. I stopped and so did the noise, crickets chirped and the cold wind blew.

"Shitty Glasses get the fuck out of the bush."

"I'm just a bush."

"Hanji, get out before I drag you out." I threatened, the bushes moved and she emerged covered in leaves and twigs.

"I hope you have a good reason for ruining my fun..."

"Follow me and I'll explain." I turned on my heals and stormed through the forest of giant trees, Hanji running after me.

There! Hope you enjoyed Levi's POV, sorry it's a bit short. Please comment and vote, it's means a lot! :)

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