Chapter 36: •Crazy•

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Kaminari's POV

'Where could Y/N have gone?! Are you kidding me? That purple headed freak let her rush right into danger and she got kidnapped! I should kill him!' I bit my nails anxiously, surges of electricity sparked throughout my body, 'But first you have to handle Sero... He's been following you around more than usual lately; like he's trying to catch you do something.
Does he know about the time I hacked into Y/N's call to interrupt her talk with that freak and asked if she loved me? It kept cutting out so I'm not sure if she even answered... but still!
I'll admit that trying to ask her again at that slumber party was an idiotic idea. You didn't have to take out the lights either.
I didn't know Shindo was trying to kill Uraraka!
I could really care less.
In the end, Y/N cuddled me so it's a win-win.
Back to the topic.
How would Sero know? And how has he been surviving my attempts to yknow.. KILL him!?
I'm not sure but he's catching on to your plans so it's going to be harder to get rid of him more than usual.'

"Hey, Kaminari?" I heard Jirou's concerned voice ask, "You've been standing there for a hot minute, dude. Aren't you going to pick up your guitar?"

I bit off my final finger nail in annoyance and sighed, "Yeah, yeah, my bad."

"I know Y/N going missing is stressful for a lot of us... that's why we gotta pull this off." She laid her guitar gently on her bed and sat next to me. Her eyes traveled from my face to my hand that was set on her bed, screaming to be left alone, "We'll all get through this. I promise."

'If you didn't notice yet; Jirou likes me. And I full heartedly do not like her back.
I already know that idiot.' I nodded at her and shifted uncomfortably, 'Wait.. who am I talking to?
She's reaching for your hand! Stab her.'
I snatched my hand away from her and scooted away as fast as I could. Too bad I wasn't watching what I was doing and started sliding off the bed. My hands, trying to grab the closest thing that will keep me on the bed, latched onto the sheets.
Rookie mistake.
I still ended up falling off the bed but the sheets flung off and wrapped around me which made Jirou fall off the bed also. We both landed with a hard thud.

"Kaminari... WHY?" Jirou groaned in pain, "Why did you do that...?"

"You scared me." I muffled from within my cocoon of bedsheets; I couldn't see anything,

"Sorry. Here, let me help." She sighed as I heard her footsteps near me.
'She's cool but can be a real pain sometimes.
What's the point in hanging out with her if she can't help us get closer with Y/N?
Everyone needs a backup... I'll do anything for Y/N but just in case she dies...
No. You don't love her enough. You might as well let me handle everything.
You're a f*cking voice in my head! You aren't real.
You could kill everyone here, you know? Have Y/N to yourself.
Wait- SHHHH something's happening!'

I snapped myself back into reality and began to panic, "Jirou? Why am I still in the sheets? Why do I feel like I'm sitting up?"

"Because I put you in a chair? Duh."

My blood ran cold. I was so caught up in trying to kill Sero and loving Y/N that I never considered if someone had it out for me. 'Is she crazy like I am? Or maybe she just wants to talk...
You should've killed her.'

"Aw.. you seem so scared." She laughed slyly, "I wonder if this is how Y/N will feel..."

"Wh..what are you talking about?"

"I'm in love with you Kaminari. I really am. But you like Y/N, right? I don't know why considering she kissed Sero two to three times and is always hanging out with Midoriya, Todoroki, or Shinsou. Pretty sure almost all the guys like her too. You must have highhh hopes if you think YOU'RE going to get with her... that's why you should take the easy way out and just get with me. You don't realize how much danger you're in just because you like her! I don't want to sit back and watch you suff-"

"Let me out of here."


"Jirou. I'm scared. Please let me out."

I heard her release a reluctant sigh before helping me out of the bedsheet cocoon. Too bad for her, the moment she let me out, I snatched her guitar and glared at her.

"You still want to practice?" Jirou eased her stance,

"You'll NEVER speak about my love for Y/N." I raised the guitar above my head and slammed it against the side of her head. Even though she attempted to dodge it, my aim was focused on her lower jaw more than the top of her head, "Ever again."

She fell to the ground with a hard thud and let out a whimper. Without hesitation, I started covering up the scene in case she actually dies. I fixed the bed, picked up stuff from the floor, and cleaned the blood that was seeping from her head. Even though I didn't plan this, covering up a murder doesn't seem that hard.
'Be careful. She might retaliate.
Her head got bashed... I doubt it...
Hide her in the closet or throw her out the window!
I'll just put her in the bed... maybe she won't remember this...'

The moment I got Jirou into the bed, there was a knock. My body froze in terror. 'What do I do? Should I stay quiet? Answer?
Either way, it's suspicious.
Shut up.'

"Jirou?" I heard Hagakure's voice call, "I was wondering how the song for Ojiro is coming along? He's really excited to hear it and it's one of the only things keeping his positivity up right now..."
I chose to stay silent and see what she would do. Fortunately, she concluded that Jirou was sleeping and left after she slid a note under the door. This gave me the chance to leave the room without any witnesses.

'Perfect. Now get rid of Sero.'

not sure what ill do over the summer but i'll probably get motivation during it hehe
hope u guys are doing well n do/did well on ur finals !
see ya 💞‼️

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