Chapter 13

270 7 13

Holy shoot. 15 chapters. And I started this like, a few months ago. Okay fine, in October last year. but still. Thanks for sticking with me. Here's some free love! : ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

By the way, Naruto's RIGHT arm is injured, not the other arm, right at the joint between the shoulder and torso.

Naruto POV

I awoke to something stinging my shoulder wound, and the pain made me cry out and attempt to hug my shoulder. A hand gently pried my hand away from the wound. That's weird, it's especially extra cold. Then I realized that I had no shirt on. I scrambled with half-shut eyes to find a blanket or something of the sort to cover me up. I didn't want anyone, male or female, looking at me when I'm half naked. And I didn't want anyone to know I was an ANBU.



"Naruto, chill. You're in safe hands." Kakashi's disembodied voice penetrated my before silence. I heightened my hearing to ANBU level to hear him say, "And I covered your ANBU tattoos."

I nodded slightly, then asked, "Where am I?"

An unknown female voice spoke, "You are at Tazuna-San's house. I'm Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter." She had a melancholic voice that spoke of unhappiness polluting what used to be a happy life, something that sounded a lot like my early years in life. Except that from the start I never had a happy life until much later.

I opened my eyes finally. Red light broke through the windows of the room I was in, so I guessed it was sunrise. "I was asleep that long?" I asked.

"Well, more like unconscious from the blood loss. And it's sunset, not sunrise." Kakashi corrected.

"Oh." I looked at the only other person who was in the room, the female voice, and the speaker was a pretty lady, roughly in her 30s. She was beautiful in the sense that she had a gentle heart.

"Hello son, it's nice to meet you too but I have to clean your wound. It's extremely dirty." The woman said before holding up a towelette soaked with, to my terror, cleaning alcohol. I nodded shakily and then lay down. 

Oh, but it was hell on earth when she cleaned it. Of course, it was better then how I cleaned my wounds, she did it gently while my hands would shake and scrub too hard. But it still hurt, and my vocal chords must've burst from my attempt at not using them. I held back the scream that wanted to erupt. Then the pain subsided slightly. I blinked to clear my black vision, then sighed in relief; Tsunami had given me a rest break for a few seconds. I attempted to catch my breath, then braced myself for the next pain, giving a nod. 

Kakashi-Nii did a smart thing; he stuffed a towel into my mouth, so when the pain resumed and I couldn't hold my scream, all that was heard was a muffled high-pitched noise, or .

//time-skip because I can't bear to write anymore//

Narrator-Baka's POV/Third POV

Naruto's back arched in pain as Tsunami cleaned out the rest of the wound. As soon as she was done, Kakashi pulled out a little capsule that Lady Tsunade had given him, it was part of the kit she had given: a few tiny scrolls that were named 'Messes Naruto will get himself into' and a mini apothecary named 'Things that you can use to cure/stop those messes' (Naruto usually got himself into tons of messes).

Anyway, the capsule carried an antidote-kind-of solution that cured up most poisons. He injected the sharp needle straight into Naruto's bare flesh, which made Naruto muffle-scream a bit more. As soon as the capsule' s contents had completely flushed into Naruto's system, he pulled it out. Kakashi quickly bandaged the wound and waited for Naruto to calm down.

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