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Incase you guys didn't know:I used to use drawcast and framecast because they're both great apps and they're so simple and easy

I've been using it since like 2015

Unfortunately Daniel Cota,creator of both apps,shut it down and took it off the app stores because he said he didn't have time anymore to run them

Luckily there's a way you guys can help bring it back:by signing a petition!


Go here and sign this petition,hopefully this petition gets enough signatures and maybe we'll get drawcast and framecast back!

Update:it became a fucking NFT app

Greg's pov
Sierra and I were at my house studying for an upcoming science quiz,well I was trying to understand what she was talking about but I don't speak nerd."ugh,why is this so hard Sierra?!"I exclaimed as I fell back on my bed,"it'll be ok sweetie,we'll do this one step at a time."she reassured me.if I don't pass this science quiz it might effect my status on the bowling team,and trust me we don't want that.that happened last time to the bowling team before mine and let's just say they're never going to any high school reunions,ever."do you want a hug babe?"she asked me,"yeah."I replied.she smiled and nodded,she gently hugged me.i closed my eyes and embraced the hug,I could feel her brushing my hair with her hand."Want to take a break?"she suggested,I nodded.

"Alright,let's take a break."she said.she grabbed our books,closed them,and put them off to the side."I just don't understand why this is so hard."i said she she began to give me a back massage,"not everyone has the same intelligence level as Einstein Greg."she said."I know that Sierra."i said,I didn't.I figured everyone was just smart,except for the dumb kids."what you need is just different methods of studying."she suggested,"does it work?"I asked.I turned around to face her,"sometimes yes."she replied."but most of the time?"I asked,she didn't say anything."well,I mean,people just sometimes don't study and end up passing."she said,"now that I've tried."i said."has it worked?"she asked,I shook my hand from side to side.

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